What Did Conservative Icon Rush Limbaugh Say About Ron DeSantis on His Final Show?


There have been countless annoying attacks against Ron DeSantis. Donald Trump and Governor Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.) claimed DeSantis was all about COVID-19 lockdowns. But, there’s someone out there who has something to say about it.

Casey DeSantis is the first lady of Florida and the wife of Governor Ron DeSantis, she spoke  She spoke about how her husband approached COVID and the criticism he received at the time.

“I remember COVID because everyone was trying to make this guy bend down, back down, lock down the state, lock out the kids from school, prevent families from being with their loved ones at the end of their life, and not allow people to work and provide food for their families,” said Mrs. DeSantis.

She continued:

The media went after him. The media came after him. Republicans in Washington went after him. Leftists came after him. Every day, I watched behind the scenes. It wasn’t just a single news cycle where they went after him, and then moved on to something else — it was every day for months. He was attacked with the most disgusting things that you can imagine.

Day after day I watched him get up, go down, get a coffee, don the armor of God, and the shields of faith, and then go and fight. He fought for the right. This is a preview of what to expect when he becomes president of the United States. He will never stop fighting on your behalf and always put your interests ahead of his. It’s what you are supposed to do. Many forget that you’re there to represent those who elected you.

Yes, you can.

You don’t need to believe her. Rush Limbaugh praised DeSantis in his last broadcast before he passed away in February 2021.

“Have you heard me mention how much I admire Florida Governor Ron DeSantis?” Details to follow, but DeSantis has started a ‘bold crackdown’ on Big Tech. Just before he went to the break, he said “Someone with the courage to do it.” Limbaugh added: “He also doesn’t close down his state due to the COVID virus.”

I bet Donald Trump would be surprised because it sounds nothing like Ron DeSantis, the Ron DeSantis Donald Trump talks about on the campaign trail. Rush continued, “Now Ron DeSantis.” After a short break. He has what we call a “spine reinforced with iron,” Rush said before discussing DeSantis’ fight against Big Tech to censor conservative views.

Casey DeSantis mentioned Rush’s words when introducing her husband in front of the crowd.

Rush Limbaugh recognized something in DeSantis back then. I know Donald Trump prefers to tear DeSantis apart, but I wish he would acknowledge that DeSantis represents the future of Republicans.