After Dividing the Nation, Obamas and Clintons Now Preach ‘Grace’


The world’s luminaries are now expressing their opinions about Trump’s victory. Obama and Clinton are the latest to weigh in on the issue. Both expressed their love for the country and democracy (which we know is a Republic), but neither stated that they regularly criticized half of the electorate. It’s hard to find unity and grace when they’ve been calling Republicans—particularly Trump voters—a “basket of deplorables,” “bitter [folks who] cling to their guns,” blatantly fascist, “garbage,” and so much more.


Now they want us all to play nice and be nice.


The Clintons were first, with a shorter and more direct message than Obama’s.



Billary began with a real slap in the face:


Kamala Harris & Tim Walz ran an inspiring, positive campaign. They should be proud.


Positive? What was so uplifting about saying that their opponents were the same as the most evil and mass-murdering totalitarian governments ever to exist? Twisted.


“The American people voted and Donald Trump, J.D. Vance is the next Vice President and President of the United States. “We wish them all the best and hope that they will govern us for everyone.”


They continued: “We need to remember that America is larger than any single election. What we do as citizens now will determine whether a nation moves forward or falls back. We must work together to solve problems and take advantage of opportunities. “The future of our nation depends on it.”


That’s lovely. The Clintons aren’t interested in hearing what you have to say. You can’t reply if you try:


Who can answer?


Accounts that @BillClinton mentions or follows can reply.


I wonder if the reason for their closing comments is because, a little over two weeks ago, Hillary said about the now-president-elect’s closing campaign rally, “Trump [is] reenacting the [Nazi] Madison Square Garden rally in 1939.”


Can you feel the love?


Unfortunately, the Obamas’ statements were longer and filled with their usual gaslighting and passive-aggressive tones. The Obamas also congratulated Trump and told us about the amazing Harris-Walz failed campaign, but they also said some other stuff that was not so feel-good.


I’ve read it for you so that you don’t have to.



Barack and Michelle


This is not the result we had hoped for. We have profound disagreements with Republicans on many issues. In a democratic society, it is important to recognize that your point of view may not always prevail and be willing to accept a peaceful transfer of power.


This paragraph does not fit with their recent behavior.


In a large and diverse country like ours, you can’t expect to always agree on everything. We must extend grace and goodwill to everyone, even those with whom we disagree. This is how we have come so far and how we will continue to build a more equal, fair, and free country.


Barack was in race-baiting mode just a few months ago, when he slandered black men who didn’t plan to vote for Harris. He called them misogynists.


You’re always coming up with excuses and reasons. I have a problem.


It makes me wonder — and this is a direct message to men — that you don’t like the idea of a female president and that you are coming up with alternative ideas and reasons.


This is not acceptable.



In this election cycle, it was clear that both Clintons and Obamas had lost their luster. They appeared to be bitter and angry towards half of their countrymen.


Thank you, I’m still not ready to discuss grace and unity. I’m going to need some time to bask in this colossal victory. We can discuss it later.