NYC Subway Chaos: Trespasser with Loaded Rifle Arrested, Two Slashed in Violent Seat Dispute


In a rush of mayhem on Tuesday in the subway, two people were slashed. One was a man who had been scuffling with a teen stranger over a seat, and the other a trespasser who was busted with a loaded rifle.


A 52-year-old man and 19-year-old Chrisena Chambers got into an argument over the seating arrangements on a No. 6 train heading north. Authorities said that the teenager exploded into a rage at Lexington Avenue and East 51st Street, around 3:20 pm.


Sources and cops said that Chambers had allegedly cut the man’s left side, near his ear.


Police said that while the injured man was being treated on the spot, Chambers stayed in the train and made it to East 125th Street Station in Harlem where she was arrested.


Authorities said that Chambers had been charged with assault, criminal weapon possession, and harassment.


Authorities said that a few hours later, shortly after 11 pm, a male slashed the face of a female inside the St. Nicholas Avenue station on 125th street.


The victim was transported to Mount Sinai Morningside where her condition was stable. Although her age was unknown, police described her as an older woman.



Police said that her attacker, who was last seen wearing a black hoodie adorned with a flower of multicolored colors, fled and hadn’t been captured by Wednesday.


Police said they did not know the motive of that assault or whether both parties knew each other.


Police said that a man with a defaced, loaded Palmetto State Armory TA-15 pistol was arrested in a Bronx Subway Station late Tuesday afternoon.


Abraham Sosa (20) allegedly sneaked behind a sign that said “No Trespassing” and made his move toward a tunnel at the Kingsbridge Road D and B train station, around 4:30 pm, when eagle-eyed cops stopped him.


Sosa allegedly then became angry and began fighting with two officers, who suffered minor injuries.


The police said that during the struggle the weapon came out of Sosa’s backpack.


Police said that a man aged 21 entered the fray and kicked one of the body cameras worn by the police onto the subway tracks.


Police said that the man, Christopher Mayren also stole one of their cell phones.


Sosa has been charged with multiple weapons possession charges – including 25 counts for possession of bullets. He was also cited with resisting arrest, obstruction of government administration, criminal breach, assaulting a police officer, and second-degree assault.



Police said that Mayren had been charged with obstruction of government administration, criminal mischief, and criminal possession of stolen property. He was also charged with petit larceny as well as aggravated harassment.


According to the most recent NYPD data updated on Sunday, overall, the number of felony crimes in the city’s public transit system has decreased this year. There were 1,807 reported offenses compared to 1,928 in 2023.


The data show that murders are up to nine, from five in 2023. And rapes, which were four last year, have increased to six.


The number of rail shootings has increased. Last year, there were only five injuries in four incidents.


Statistics show that gun arrests have increased dramatically. In 2023, there were 39 such arrests, compared to 65 at this time.