Shakespearean Drama: Tensions Between Bidens and Aides Set to Explode


Joe Biden still tries to maintain his position as the presumed Democratic nominee for president, if he doesn’t even manage to keep his presidency. Every news cycle seems to have at least one story about a disillusioned Democrat politician calling for him to drop out of the race.

Biden’s aides and staffers have been reported to be unsure of Biden’s chances of staying in the race. According to one report, White House staffers are afraid – or more accurately “scared ******s” – of giving Biden information he won’t like.

According to NBC News, a report on the “long-simmering” relationship between the Bidens and their aides as well as the Biden’s children shows that the situation at Joe Biden’s White House has gotten much worse.

The Biden family, including pretend Dr. Jill and Hunter (a convicted felon) continue to shield Joe, while also getting more involved in his campaign. White House staff, officials, and aides have grown increasingly angry and resentful.

A source familiar with the situation told NBC:

The debate fiasco has allowed the family members to help their fathers or brothers whom they love.

13 sources familiar with the dynamics confirmed to the outlet that the split between the president’s close aides and family has been simmering for some time. The Biden debate disaster exacerbated the dynamic.

According to the misguided opinions of Joe’s relatives, Joe’s pathetic conversation was the culmination of misguided advice from aides who, according to them, did not help the president showcase his greatest political appeal.

Trump “shouted at” him along with cold medicine and a cold. This did not happen.

An assistant to Biden’s campaign said: “It’s not helpful.”

Biden’s aides believe they are doing the majority of the work to manage and coordinate the post-debate strategy, but Joe and his family approach the situation emotionally and do not see the political reality.

According to NBC, a source said: “It’s Shakespearean.”

Here’s more:

In a recent interview with ABC News Biden said that he took responsibility for his performance during the debate.

Hunter Biden’s participation in White House Meetings last week is only one example of a deeper Biden involvement. Valerie Owens also visited Washington to meet other members of her family and discuss her brother’s presidential campaign.

According to two people who know the matter, Biden and his family discussed if he should fire Anita Dunn as a White House senior advisor or Bob Bauer, Dunn’s husband, who is Biden’s lawyer.

According to four sources close to the Biden Family, there is no active effort at the moment to shake things up in the office.

Typical Biden mentality.

Joe Biden has spent every dollar in his life in an instant. He accepts responsibility for little. As Biden’s cognitive ability meter approaches zero, it is logical to place Anita Dunn and Bob Bauer on trial. Joe is still Joe.

White House Chief Staff Jeff Zients denies the report.

Anita Bob and the President have full confidence in their teams. This unfounded and offensive rumor is completely false.

Sure there isn’t, Jeff. Everything is peachy keen on Planet Biden.

According to a source, family members are convinced that some top aides in the White House and on the campaign put Joe under a car instead of taking responsibility for his disastrous performance at the debate.

Biden’s family is again deluded. Biden’s two aides couldn’t have saved his disastrous performance in the debate.


They are probably upset by the blunder after blunder of key staff. The debate is what broke them. I cannot think of another action that could have upset the Bidens.

Joe Biden was shell-shocked after saying that it was his fault if you upset the Biden family or not.

Fear of tension exploding in public

Biden’s inner circle is concerned that tensions which have simmered for a while but were resolved internally, could soon surface in public as pressure grows to get Biden to drop his reelection bid.

According to five sources familiar with the situation, the family continues to discuss how to keep Joe in the race. Are you ready for more delusion?

In the debate with George Stephanopoulos on Friday, Biden stated that there was only one way he could consider quitting. “Lord Almighty” who will not come down can only convince him to quit.

Stranger things are happening.

This is not going to end well.