Sen. Kennedy Obliterates Biden’s Border Crisis Desperation in Explosive ‘Fungal Infection’ Takedown


It’s not every day that Sen. John Kennedy, R-LA, reminds us why we are so fortunate to have him in the Republican Party. Tuesday was one such glorious day.

As we reported previously, Joe Biden has signed an executive directive that he hopes will make him appear tougher on the border to voters frustrated with his handling of a self-made crisis over the last three and a half years of his administration.

However, the order contains exceptions (holes) large enough for a “truck to drive through.” This means that, as expected, Biden’s executive action will have very little impact on the illegal immigrants currently rushing through.

Kennedy couldn’t take it anymore and ripped into Biden at a Senate GOP press conference in response to Biden’s announcement.

“Listen up! This is the procedure. President Biden has a political problem. He is polling at the same level as fungal infections. He gave in to his loony wing and dismantled the Southern border.

He has to make it appear that he is willing to act, so he issued this executive order. He expects that you will report on this epiphany he had. You are expected to take the White House’s words, put them up your noses, and report without question.


We have seen President Biden for three years push a door marked clearly ‘pull.’ He has mismanaged Congress and COVID. The national debt, inflation, crime rates, Afghanistan, Iran, the wars in Gaza and Ukraine.

Every time I thought the president had hit rock bottom, every time he found a shovel, he continued to dig. Hence, this executive order. I believe that is what the American public sees.

First, I’d ask Mr. Biden: ‘Isn’t this a bit late, President?’ It’s getting late.

This cat cannot be made to walk backwards. Eight million illegal immigrants have entered our country because of the president’s border policy. You are a fool if you attempt to enter our country legally today. You only need to show up at the Southern Border.

For three years now, President Biden has told us that there is no border crisis in the South for reasons clearly stated by the teleprompter. His plan to deal with the crisis on the border was pretending that it wasn’t one. Some of you have reported this; others have not.

The Biden administration changed its strategy when they realized that the American people were not stupid and, while they might be poorer than they used to be under President Biden, they are still intelligent. The administration then stated that it was aware of the crisis at the border but did not have the authority to resolve it. This didn’t work, either. The American people aren’t stupid in the smallest cell.”

Kennedy said, “This is the most cynical thing I’ve ever seen a politician do five months prior to an election. It is cheap, insulting, and contemptible – that is what the American people think, and I do hope you will too.”


In a funny but accurate hot mic moment during the same press conference, Sen. Joni Ernst said to Kennedy as she was leaving the stage, “Summary, never trust a guy whose uncle has been eaten by cannibals.”

All that and more.