Sanders, Warren Decline to Comment on Pelosi’s Taiwan Trip as Senate Colleagues Praise Speaker’s Move


Progressive Senators. I-Vt. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, D.Mass., declined to comment on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D.Calif.’s trip to Taiwan amid rising tensions between the U.S. & China.

In the Senate-side basement at the U.S. Capitol, we asked Sanders and Warren if they had any thoughts about Pelosi’s trip.

Warren replied, “No,” before getting in an elevator. Sanders silently waved us off from the elevator’s window.

Sanders and Warren’s silence during the speaker’s visit is starkly different from many of their Senate colleagues on both sides of the aisle.

Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) said that Pelosi’s trip is “great” and pointed out that many senators had “been there and they’re peaceful-loving.”

Manchin stated, “They are a freedom-loving nation and we do an awfully large amount of trade with them. We’ve been very supportive.” “I have been there. Every senator and congressperson I know has been there. I don’t understand why people make so much of it.”

“She won’t do any harm. The West Virginia Democrat said that she won’t do anything to cause them harm and that China is not her enemy. “She wants peace-loving Taiwanese to have all the opportunities they can, and we are grateful for the relationship we have. So I believe it was good.”

Alabama Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville stated that Pelosi “has the right to go over there” while he and three others had visited Taiwan “a few months ago.”

“China complained about it for about a week and continued to complain until we got there,” Tuberville stated, ” they are our friends.” They are someone we would like to work with in technology. Although they do an excellent job with chips, I have no problem with that.

He said, “China got a Burr under their saddle for that and there’s nothing they could do about it, so she will not be the last to go there.” “I would love to see President Biden leave.”

Senator Roger Marshall, R. Kansas, stated that he thinks the trip should have been conducted behind closed doors and that Pelosi made a mistake by “advertising” her trip. This could put at risk other lawmakers who are traveling to Taiwan.

“I believe she is putting other congressmen at risk”. Marshall stated that this should not have been done with the media in mind. She and the White House appear to be fighting for what’s right over what’s wrong in a way that makes it seem like they are in a fight for what’s right.

He continued, “So I think there are too many details that I don’t know about.” “The underlings on this trip.”

Sanders cautioned against poking Red Dragons last summer and wrote an opinion piece urging people not to “start another Cold War.”

However, there seems to be a consensus at Capitol Hill on Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan. As relations between the U.S.and China become more strained, however.

Pelosi’s Taiwan trip repelled violent rhetoric from China’s government. A state media representative suggested that the speaker be shot down.

On Tuesday, the speaker arrived in Taiwan.