Reporter Looks Stupid After Writing Op-Ed Claiming MAGA Is Bigger Threat Than Hamas


Asinine op-eds coming from far-leftist publications are nothing new. When a controversial issue arises, you can always count on progressive members of the chattering class to put out opinion pieces chock full of the most sensationally low-IQ takes one could think of.

This is what happened with the war between Israel and Hamas. It sparked a flood of stupidity across the internet and on the radio. Brian Karem is a columnist for Salon who wrote a piece titled “MAGA and Christian Nationalism: A bigger threat to America than Hamas ever could be.”

Here we go!

Karem’s piece highlights a White House Press Briefing where Fox News reporter Peter Doocy questioned National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby about whether the Biden Administration had “considered that a terrorist might be in the country now after crossing over the southern border.” This question was on many people’s minds even before the Middle East war began.

Karem was also present at the briefing and asked about the possible terrorist attack.

As Kirby left, I asked the only question that I thought was important: “John, hold on a second.” Before you go: Would the U.S. send troops to the Middle East if Hamas terrorists attacked the U.S.?

Kirby stopped retreating from the stage and let press secretary Karine Jean Pierre answer. Kirby’s response was short and sweet: “I will not speculate on that, Brian.” We will do whatever we need to do to ensure the safety of our troops and people.

The author then brought up the topic of bipartisanship. He noted that, while it “once was seen as a noble goal on many topics,” it “is now sneered by most Republicans.”

Karem has not yet explained why MAGA or Christian Nationalism is more dangerous than Hamas, nor how his previous comments fit into the picture. Karem then criticizes Republicans for refusing to send billions of dollars to Ukraine. He claims that “Ukraine will be the first stop on a quest to global hegemony” because Vladimir Putin would come after us.

Karem turns his attention to the newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson and to the supposed “MAGA-wing of the Republican Party,” who are “purging for the apocalypse” with an “enthusiast only rivaled by Saul’s slaughter of Christians prior to changing his name to Paul.”

You’re right, it makes no sense. You don’t need to. You’re welcome.

The author continues his mindless ranting by claiming that under Johnson’s leadership, “the House is determined to turn the U.S. into a theocracy ruled by people who thump your head with the Bible but haven’t even read it.”

The author still does not give any examples to support his claim that Republicans want to establish a Theocracy. At this point, the author has not explained why these people would be worse than Hamas.

This article is flawed, as are most of those on the left who think comparing Republicans with the worst of them all will somehow convince people to vote Democrat.

Karem paints conservatives and Republicans with a broad brush that is wider than the Grand Canyon. He says that most people on the right are against bipartisanship, and they want to establish theocracy. While there may be a few fringe individuals that fall into this group, it’s clear this isn’t the case for most. Maybe this is why he didn’t mention any quotes from or actions by people on the right to support this claim.

The author then goes all over the map. He moves from discussing a Kirby press conference where he spoke about possible terrorist attacks in the United States to talking about artificial intelligence to ranting on climate change and ending with Donald Trump’s legal troubles. No real arguments are made.

What is ironic is that this article claims that conservatives and Republicans are more of a danger to the U.S. You only have to look at the footage of the pro-Palestinian demonstrations that are held all over the country to realize this. If you see someone in one of these rallies supporting Hamas against Israel, chances are it is a white, progressive woman screaming about how terrible Israel is.

These types of arguments do not represent the extremes of the left. Karem’s inability to formulate coherent arguments to explain why Hamas isn’t all that bad, while Israel is the evil incarnate proves that this entire movement is based on a political agenda. Hamas’ actions against Israelis and Palestinians are not important to them. They only care about how they can use this war to achieve their political goals.