Media Frenzy Over White Supremacy Protest Hyped by AI FaceBot


Shall we begin?

It started when Bill Whittle told the audience, that it was so lovely to see their faces at a CPAC panel he and I were on many years ago. “Usually, the average age of a conservative event is deceased. ‘”
This is what Insanity Wrap immediately thought of after seeing photos of Saturday’s “Patriot Front” in Washington, DC.

You’re familiar with the charmingly diverse cast of characters that you’ll encounter at a true righty event if you’ve ever been — and we have been to many more than we can remember.

Older. Perhaps not as fit. Nobody wears uniforms and all protest signs are handmade.

These events are not as organized as Costco’s Saturday afternoons, which is where most people were going after the rally ended. Good people, true grassroots, salt of the earth. Insanity Wrap has a growing amount of salt relative the pepper in their hair. All of this being said, are we supposed to believe that these men from the videos and photos are part of the right?

If this rally is real, there is nothing wrong with collectivism. We celebrate the achievements and rights of each individual. Not the neofascist “collective freedom” oxymoron that the group claims in its manifesto. This isn’t much different from the “OnlyFeds”, who showed up at September’s protest Donald Trump warned was a trap.

According to reports, around 100 members of the white supremacy group marched through Washington. There were more, but the Feds couldn’t purchase enough Dockers due to disruptions in supply chains. Here’s the thing: it gets very weird.

This mysterious young lady joined Twitter last month, and her existence cannot be confirmed anywhere else. There is an entire thread dedicated to her. Experts believe her face is an AI-mixture of photos found online.

Jarvis, who saw “Sheryl Lewellen,” tweeted: “There is no Google history for anyone named Sheryllewellen.” She joined Twitter just a few days back. This facebot then tagged a group of journalists with a tweet warning them that “500 men wearing riot shields are marching through #WashingtonDC”. The account, which was only days old, somehow went viral.

Soon after the account went viral, its name was changed to “Patriot Front” and it began posting pro-Patriot Front material rather than warnings.