K-Conspiracy: Does Big Pharma Want You to Fear Ketamine?


Recently, we’ve heard quite a bit about ketamine. You may have learned from watching the Maya Kowalski case that ketamine is useful for those in pain. Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital, despite the positive outcomes it has had for patients who use it to treat pain, depression, addiction, and other conditions, tried to demonize ketamine during the nine-week civil trial to hide their involvement in the kidnapping and suicide of Maya’s mother. JHACH argued that they “saved Maya” from ketamine and that her mother would have surely killed her if she had received ketamine from outside JHACH. The jury found JHACH responsible for battery, false imprisonment, and forcing Beata Kowalski into suicide.

JHACH refuses to pay the $261 million that the court ordered their client to pay Kowalski’s family. Instead, they are stalling in court and making ridiculous motions for new trials based on how one juror wrote his “s”s.

The news has been spreading that Matthew Perry was killed by the “acute effects” of ketamine.

That’s convenient. I didn’t know of any high-profile deaths caused by ketamine until now. The Industrial-Medical Complex is pushing a narrative that ketamine should be regulated immediately by the FDA. However, to the curious journalist, the facts surrounding Perry’s death do not add up.

In the articles on the toxicology report, it is revealed that Perry had a cocktail of dangerous drugs, including buprenorphine (an opioid) and lorazepam (a benzodiazepine). Two of these drugs carry a warning about coma and death. According to Drugs.com, buprenorphine and lorazepam together can cause “central nerve system depression,” which can lead to respiratory distress, coma, and even death.

Forbes at least picked up the comorbidities Perry had that contributed to his demise. Forbes acknowledged that “if used at high doses, it has been known for ketamine to cause dangerous blood pressure changes, which may be especially deleterious for patients with cardiovascular diseases, such as Perry.” The articles I read did not mention the known dangers of taking the other drugs together, which is quite significant.

The LA County Coroner chose ketamine as the primary cause of death in most articles, not the “lethal combination of prescription drugs”. I’m not sure why.

I find it irresponsible that one drug is blamed when so many other factors are involved. Is this a sign that the medical mafia is using the death of a popular figure to spread their scare tactics, which could harm millions of people currently receiving ketamine therapy? It’s like someone sent out a memo demanding that ketamine be demonized because they lost a huge medical malpractice case with the drug. They don’t want to pay. They didn’t believe the scary stories in court, but maybe they will if it is reported by the media.

It appears that Perry made a bad decision if he did indeed have a high level of unprescribed Ketamine in his body and got into the hot tub, knowing that he just took a medication that causes drowsiness and dissociation. This bad decision was made worse by the fact that he also ingested an opioid and benzo, both of which are contraindicated. This is the recipe for a bad day.

This is all very sad. It has nothing to do with people who use ketamine under the supervision of a doctor and experience relief from their symptoms. Do not let Big Medicine create a campaign that tries to “protect us” from a therapy that is effective for many by using the bad choices of a TV celebrity to scare you into sacrificing more personal liberties.

Unelected FDA bureaucrats who care more about political favors and lucrative appointments than our health should not dictate to the free people. It is also wrong to give big conglomerates who owe victims of medical malpractice $261,000,000 but refuse to pay, another reason to abuse their victims by suing them endlessly after the People spoke against them. Maya Kowalski has never taken ketamine without a doctor’s approval. Perry used ketamine recreationally, but Maya Kowalski was using it to treat complex regional pain syndrome. It’s difficult to hear this from his friends and family who thought he was sober. But his toxicology report says otherwise. Addicts, and their tragic plight, should not determine the parameters of non-addictive use of available treatments for human illness.

Do not underestimate the power of a multinational conglomerate who was humiliated just a few weeks ago by “six strangers from the bus stop.” David Hughes, JHACH’s attorney, described the jury in this way. John Q., that’s how much they respect you. Public.

We need to tell Big Pharma and the Industrial-Medical Complex to stop wasting our time. If we choose to, we are more than willing to try therapies and take risks with informed consent. Nobody, not even the government, has a right to tell us how we should use our bodies. Ask those who are pro-abortion! It’s our bodies we choose, right? Are we only going to demand the right to murder our children and deny us the right to alternative therapies that might heal us?

Don’t take ketamine in excess. And for God’s Sake, do not get into the hot tub or go swimming after taking benzos, opioids, and ketamine. Congress does not need to take action to warn us against this bad idea. Separately, I am sorry Perry passed away early because of his addiction struggles. I’m certain he would not want his death to be used to prevent others from getting the therapies they need and want.