J.K. Rowling’s Epic Response to Threats of Being Canceled


J.K. Rowling is the author of Harry Potter and she doesn’t care about losing her fans because of her outspokenness regarding transgender issues. She expressed this in truly epic fashion.

Rowling considers herself to be an ally of LGBT people, but she hasn’t been awake enough to see the radical transgender movement. Rowling has been accused of being transphobic for her views on gender and sex, especially for supporting a woman fired for tweeting that “men cannot transform into women.”

Her moderate views on transgenderism caused her significant backlash. Her refusal to be invited to the Harry Potter reunion special, which HBO Max broadcasts on HBO Max, is the most recent example. Many of the Harry Potter movie stars who were woke have distanced themselves publicly from Rowling. Rowling is clearly not worried about this, even though some may think it has damaged her career. Rowling responded on Thursday to a random user on Twitter who mocked Rowling for her “anti-trans” views.

The person tweeted, “How can you fall asleep at night knowing that you have lost an entire audience to your books?”

She laughed, “I’ve just read my latest royalty cheques and the pain disappears pretty quickly.”

Rowling clearly doesn’t feel any pain for speaking out. Her books are still being purchased and Harry Potter movies are watched. Business Insider estimates that her net worth ranges from $650 million to $1.2 trillion. The author received death threats last year for her views.