Explosion Destroys the Mysterious Georgia Guidestones Monument


The Georgia Guidestones have been destroyed and the reasons for their demise are still unknown. An explosion reduced part of the monument’s size to rubble on Wednesday morning at 4 AM. Residents reported hearing a loud boom and one of the Guidestones pillars was destroyed. The explosion is captured on security camera footage. A car then drives away from the scene.

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI), launched an investigation. Highway 77 was temporarily closed by the Georgia Department of Transportation while the GBI, local authorities and investigators investigated.

Later in the evening, the GBI reported that the monument’s remaining parts had been removed “for safety reasons.”

What were the Georgia Guidestones, or were they?

This monument is a huge granite monument that promotes the conservation of humanity and future generations. The Elbert County Chamber of Commerce website states that the sources of substantial financing for the project have chosen to remain anonymous. The message on the monument’s memorial is written in twelve languages: it includes the Archaic languages Sanscrit, Babylonian Cuneiform and Egyptian Hieroglyphics, Classical Greek and English, Russian and Hebrew, Arabic, Hindi and Chinese, Spanish, Swahili, and the Archaic languages Hebrew, Arabic and Arabic.

The Guidestones were as controversial as they were a tourist attraction. The Independent, a left-wing UK news website, attempts to portray the image that Guidestones are rent-free in the heads “conservative Christians.”

It’s not exactly true, but there are a few conspiracy-minded people who have become obsessed with them, such as the History Channel’s reliable conspiracy nuts.

One conspiracy theorist ran for governor in Georgia’s Republican primary this year. She made the Guidestones one pillar of her campaign.

Dr. Kandiss Taylor, a South Georgia educator, ran for Senate in 2020. She hinted in her campaign announcement that Gov. Brian Kemp was a “sellout” and she finished with 3.42%. When David Perdue smokes you it is clear that you are not serious.

Taylor’s obsession with Georgia Guidestones, and the “Luciferian Cabal” that allegedly runs the state was another sign she wasn’t mainstream.

Needless to mention, she was thrilled about the explosion in Georgia Guidestones.

The Georgia Guidestones have disappeared, so we won’t ever know the true story. You know what? Because sometimes, the legends and conspiracy theories can be more fascinating than the truth.