Even California Hates Kamala Harris


Kamala Harris may not be liked by America, but her home state is, right? Not so much. The Los Angeles Times reported Thursday that Kamala’s approval rating in California’s blue state isn’t very high.

Recent LA Times polls by the Institute of Governmental Studies at UC Berkeley found that only 38% of voters approve of Harris’ performance in his role as vice president. 46% disagree.

This is a significant drop in poll numbers from last summer. Harris’s California ratings seem to have followed a similar path as Biden’s poll numbers.

California is her home state, a deep blue one. Kamala won four statewide election there. Despite the horrible state of affairs that the Biden-Harris government has created, she should be respected in the state.

Mark Barabak, a LATimes columnist, says Kamala’s biggest problem is California’s incomparableness to Montana.

Barabak wrote that Montanans describe Montana as a small town with a long main street. “People know their politicians by name, even if they are not considered friends, they still have the acquaintance of a neighbor.”

Barabak explained that Kamala Harris has “dismal approval ratings” among fellow Californians.

Katie Merrill, a veteran Democratic strategist, says that Kamala has run in four state elections but that voters don’t know her well enough.

Hello, she won four state elections in California. California voters probably know her better than us, I believe.

Harris has run for four state offices in twelve years, twice for attorney general and once for the U.S. Senate. She was also Biden’s running mate in November 2020. However, Harris’s legacy isn’t over. Two years into her Senate term, and after her splashy entry to the presidential race, almost a quarter of California voters had not a single opinion on her job performance. This suggests that they didn’t care much about her work.

Harris is not the only one who has this problem. Californians are not likely to pay much attention to politics unless it is election season or when Donald Trump is torching our civic norms.

It does however explain why the Oakland native is struggling to find her feet in the vice-presidential race. There is no attachment or special relationship with voters.