Durham Drops a Stunning Revelation Regarding Igor Danchenko and FBI Corruption


Does the John Durham probe result in any accountability at the FBI or DOJ? I am still skeptical after Michael Sussmann was convicted. Given all the evidence against him, he should have been innocent. But we may still find something.

Durham revealed shocking details about Igor Danchenko. He is currently under investigation for lying to the FBI.

It is now clear that the FBI used him as a source even after the lies were exposed. He was a paid, confidential informant until the month before 2020’s election.

Today John Durham, Special Counsel for Igor Danchenko moved to unseal the motion.

This motion contains additional information about Danchenko’s lies to the FBI, additional details about Special Counsel Mueller’s disregard for Danchenko’s false statements, and one crazy development.

Let’s start with the most shocking. Danchenko was on FBI payroll between March 2017 and October 2020 as a confidential source for human resources (CHS).

It’s amazing how long it took.

He was not forgotten as the man who made corrupt FISA warrants. He was also not forgotten after years of obsessive obsession with false conspiracy theories about “Russian collusion”.

This was done by the FBI because Danchenko wanted to be buried and kept from legal discovery.

Danchenko’s status as a CHS served a different purpose. It protected the Bureau and Mueller Special Counsel, as well as their “sources” of information and methods. Bury the witness to conceal misconduct.

Be suspicious of intelligence agencies using “sources and methods” to conceal information They used the broad protections offered by the federal government to keep Danchenko from being exposed until Trump was removed from office

It was absurd to politicize the FBI and DOJ under Trump’s presidency. This is what we continue to witness.

It is unlikely that these will lead anywhere. Durham could present any evidence of corruption or illegality he wants.