Dem Strategist With Focus Groups Says Party In Shambles


According to reports, the political problems facing Dems go well beyond Virginia’s embarrassing defeat. A poll shows that Dems are no longer the brand they were in the last ten months. Third Way is a liberal organization that spoke to focus groups in order to determine if their party was in serious trouble.

Third Way found that most voters couldn’t identify any Dems’ actions with the exception of a few who claimed to have passed the infrastructure bill. The Dems pursued their most radical agenda, despite their narrow majority in both the Senate, House, and Senate. Biden has not been able to secure the support of all his party members for the key elements of his agenda.

Although the House passed a lower-down package last week to increase social spending, a Dem strategist who advises major donor groups said that it was too late.

Voters believe the economy is in crisis. They suggested they focus more on rising wages. Third Way also found little evidence supporting their claim that infrastructure and social spending legislation would benefit them at the polls. They are not willing to admit that Biden isn’t up to the job, but they do not feel that he’s doing a good job.