MAID offers Canadian drug users a simple and exciting way to overcome their addiction. Traditional ways to recover are through rehab and 12-step programs like Alcoholics (Or Narcotics Anonymous). These programs require addicts to admit they have no control over their addiction and believe only a higher authority can restore them to sanity. They must also be “entirely willing to have God remove these defects of character.”
The process is complicated and messy. Step 8 requires that you make a list and be willing to apologize to everyone they have hurt. The recovering addict will tell you, too, that the fourth step — making an honest and fearless moral assessment — is not only difficult but never ends.
But fear not because Canada has stripped all that down to one simple step that you’ll only ever have to use just one time: DIE, JUNKIE.
The catchy name of Canada’s government-sponsored euthanasia scheme is Medical Assistance in Dying. MAID, the government’s euthanasia program, was introduced by Justin Trudeau (a Castro wannabe) in 2016. Proponents claimed that the program would only be available to people with “grievous medical conditions”.
Last November I wrote a piece on how Canada’s new 2021 law made MAID accessible to anyone who wanted it, even as a way to “cure” poverty. In a Global News article, I said that inflation “was driving a lot of Canadians with disabilities” to consider suicide.
In August, I was forced to write a sadder update on MAID madness. Kathrin Mentler (37-year-old Vancouverite) was offered to commit suicide because there were no psychiatrists available to treat chronic depression. She was looking for professional mental health treatment. Since Canada’s government-run health system did not have any psychiatrists, they asked if she would rather take “sedating drugs like benzodiazepines” to speed up her death.
Vice reported Thursday that the parliament had expanded MAID’s cleaning powers once again. In March, suicide is set to become (preferred?) In March, suicide will become a (preferred?) treatment option for people whose only medical condition is mental disease. This can include substance abuse disorders.
I think that Canada is simply confirming what some practitioners already offered to people like Kathrin Metler.
Dr. David Martell is a physician who leads Addictions Medicine for Nova Scotia Health. He advocates such “care” and says it’s not fair to exclude people “just because their mental illness might be either partially or in full a substance abuse disorder.” Martell, who is obsessed with death, says: “YOU NEED A NEEDLE, YOU GET A NEEDLE!”
Vice reports that some harm reduction advocates and addicts are “upset” at the mere mention of MAID.
It’s true that harm reduction, or better yet a 12-step program, is time-consuming and expensive. It’s much easier to relax and take benzodiazepines than it is to get a lethal overdose of rocuronium.
Life can be hard. Suicide is easy, and it’s cheap and quick for governments that seem to get a strange thrill from killing their most vulnerable citizens.