Brown, Northwestern Universities Strike Deals with Student Protesters


Columbia did play footsie with their collection of thugs before the police came and fumigated Columbia. According to Campus Reform’s two articles, Brown and Northwestern are unnerved by the idea of asking young adults to act like adults and have made concessions with their protestors.

Northwestern reached an agreement with protesters that would remove most of the tents on campus. The agreement stipulates that peaceful protests may continue. All tents in Deering Meadow must be removed, except one tent for aid. Devices that project or amplify sound must be approved beforehand. The college reserves the right to verify school IDs. Only faculty and staff members will be allowed to participate in the demonstrations. Protesters should also ensure everyone’s safety and leave enough space in Deering Meadow to accommodate other activities.

There is a strange clause.

The University will condemn publicly the doxing by any member of the community and will encourage employers to not revoke job offers from students who engage in speech protected under the First Amendment.

It is assumed that the school will shake its finger at anyone who wants to expose the identity of those hiding behind keffiyehs. The future will reveal how the Jewish children fare. It is not the responsibility of the university to deal with employers who revoke job offers. Kids, if the protesters worry about their future, then caveat emptor.

Northwestern has agreed, in exchange for protesters’ cooperation and participation, to reestablish this fall its Advisory Committee on Investment Responsibility, which will include representatives of the faculty, staff, and students. This is where divestment comes in.

The school will provide funding and housing for two visiting Palestinian professors over two years and five Palestinian undergraduates will receive a free education. Also:

The University will immediately provide temporary spaces for MENA/Muslim Students.

After the Jacobs renovation is completed (estimated 2026), the University will renovate and provide a house that is conducive for community building to MENA/Muslim Students as soon as possible.

The University will involve students in a program to ensure additional support for Jewish students and Muslim students at Student Affairs/Religious & Spiritual Life.

Students will be included in the University’s process to implement broad input into University dining services. This includes residential and retail vendors located on campus.

The ADL responded to this development by posting the following on X.

Campus Reform reports that at Brown University, the demonstrators have “agreed” to stop the encampment, and to refrain from any further actions that could violate Brown’s code of conduct through the end of this academic year (including Commencement Weekend and Reunion Week). Brown University has also agreed to invite 5 students to the Corporation of Brown University for a discussion on divestment. In October, a vote on divestment will take place.

The school will investigate the behavior problems of the protesters. The school did slip in a “get out of jail free” card by stating that disbanding camp would have an advantageous effect on disciplinary proceedings.

In a letter sent to the Brown community, Christina H. Paxson, the president of the school, stated that students who were charged with participating in the encampment or associated activities that violated our conduct codes would not be suspended or expelled, as long as they adhered to the terms and conditions. The agreement does state that any reports of bias or harassment must be investigated by the appropriate office.

The schools will also make concessions that they have probably been thinking about for many years.

“Dis are some nice campuses that youse boys have here.” It would be a shame to see them suffer.

The New York Post reported that anti-Semitic demonstrators at UCLA engaged in a fight with counter-protesters. This comes after Jewish students have been subjected for months to threats and violence. They declared that they were suffering the same as war victims in Gaza.

If you’ve ever seen or been a parent drag a screaming kid through a shop, you know what can happen if the child is allowed to win. They become screaming entitled teenagers and then screaming entitled adults.