Biden Administration to Lift Remaining COVID Testing Requirements for International Travel


Senior officials from the Biden Administration have confirmed that the government will lift one of the last COVID testing requirements applicable to international air travel.

According to The Associated Press, the official spoke on condition of anonymity to inform the outlet that the administration would allow international travelers to pass a COVID test within 24 hours of arriving in the United States.

Friday’s announcement by a senior official in the administration stated that the mandate would expire Sunday at 12:01 EDT. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also said that it was no longer necessary.

However, the government isn’t completely acquiescing to its power-grab. According to the official, the CDC will continue to reevaluate the necessity of reinstating it.

An official spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to preview the formal announcement. He stated that the agency would review the necessity for testing every 90 days and that it could possibly be reinstated if there is a new troubling variant.

Even though thousands of illegal immigrants travel across America’s southern border every day, there are no legal requirements for testing or responsibility for their health.