4Chan Users Are Leaking Info Allegedly From Hunter Biden’s iPhone


Hunter Biden’s laptop could soon be forgotten, as 4chan users claim they have cracked the password to a backup of his iPhone and iPad. The site is leaking data worth 450 gigabytes.

Because of the content filters, I have placed on my home network I cannot visit the site to view the leaked data. However, we have learned that Hunter’s passport is part of a Visa card and that Hunter and Joe Biden were photographed together. He also stated that “videos of sexual nature and alleged porn searches.”

It gets worse, there were also indications of conversations and contacts on the iPad with the name Pedo Peter. It is unclear who Pedo Peter refers to. “A variety of conversations were accessed that seemed to be conversations between different members of the Biden Family.”

Do you want to speculate on why Hunter Biden was talking with “Pedo Peter” instead of someone else?

The Washington Examiner reports that “it is not clear whether this latest leak… is from the exact same account connected with the hard drive” of Hunter Biden’s previously verified laptop.

Arama claims that 4Chan users are still going through the information and will continue to post more as they go. 4Chan attempts to stop the dissemination of these materials. However, users are far ahead of them and have backed up the data elsewhere so anyone interested can access it.