Would Democrats Consider Impeachment to Oust Biden?


You might think that I am crazy after reading this. Anyone who has followed politics in the last decade knows how insane things have become. What would happen if House Republicans tried to impeach President Joe Biden, and then Democrats in Senate found him guilty so that they could run a stronger candidate in 2024?

Let me explain my position before you try to get me committed.

We already know that Uncle Joe is not popular with a large percentage of Democratic voters. According to a recent poll conducted by the Associated Press, less than half (50%) of Democrats would like the president as their representative in the upcoming elections.

A poll shows that only about half of Democrats believe President Joe Biden should be re-elected in 2024. However, a majority would support him if Biden were to become the Democratic nominee.

The Associated Press/NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll shows that 26% of Americans want to see Biden again. This is a slight improvement from 22% in January. 47 percent of Democrats want him to run. This is a slight increase from the 37% in January.

Monmouth University published a similar study:

Only one in four Democrats would support President Joe Biden running for a second term, despite the fact that most Democrats have a positive opinion of him. Monmouth University Poll, which surveyed self-identified Democrats or Democratic-leaning voter respondents, found that more than 4/10 would like to see the incumbent step down in favor of a new candidate. The voters do not know who they want to replace Biden as the nominee of their party.

There’s still more!

Remember when Biden generously helped certain Democratic congressional candidates in their midterm election campaigns last year? You might remember how many Democratic congressional candidates declined to accept Biden’s generous offer of help during their campaigns in the midterm elections.

The Post, in a piece entitled “As Biden moves towards midterms, it’s possible he won’t be the most popular surrogate,” surveyed dozens of Democrats and analyzed their social media and websites. They concluded that Joe Biden is not very popular in this midterm campaign. The Post asked 60 or so Democrats and found that very few wanted Biden to campaign with them.

In televised advertisements, he’s been attacked more than Obama in 2010 or Trump in 2018. On Twitter and Democratic campaign websites, he is largely anonymous. Candidates in crucial races in battleground states either don’t ask him to come or actively avoid him when he comes, according to a Washington Post poll of 60 candidates from the most competitive gubernatorial and congressional campaigns.

Many candidates did not respond to the question. The Post asked candidates if they wanted Vice President Harris to be a surrogate for the Biden Administration and received the same unenthusiastic response.

What better way to get rid him of than by removing him from office, considering these factors and the fact Biden insists on a second term? This would mean that Black Hillary will occupy the Oval Office up until the next elections are concluded. This does not mean that they will need to run Black Hillary in 2024. She could be a temporary replacement until someone else is found.

It would allow Democrats to choose a more qualified candidate to take on the Republican nominee. It would be great if they could choose a candidate who can speak in full sentences and isn’t lost after speeches. Someone like California Gov. Gavin Newsom with his hair gel and a slick look would be a good fit, wouldn’t it?

In addition, to execute this plan it would not be necessary for all Democrats to vote in favor. The majority of Democrats would have to vote “yes” while the rest could vote “no” and pretend that they are upset. There is the possibility that those who voted in favor could be forced to face their swords. It might not be a big deal if Sen. Dianne Feinstein and another colleague on the way out of their office did it.

Yes, I realize it’s an unlikely scenario. This is unlikely to happen, but at this period in American history, it’s impossible to say “never”.