Wild Fur-Flying Frenzy Unleashed at Utah Middle School


Nebo is located at the southernmost end of Utah County. It was predominantly rural and agricultural for many years. This has changed since more businesses and people have moved to the Beehive state. Small towns are getting bigger and subdivisions and retail stores have taken over the space between them that was once occupied mainly by cattle and wildlife. The old West has been replaced by a new West that brings new ideas.

On Wednesday, 75 parents and students staged a walkout from the Mt. Nebo Middle School in Payson, Utah. The accusations were that “furries” were chewing sticks, biting and licking each other, or even spraying Febreze on their classmates.

Below you can view a report by KUTV Salt Lake.

Two things are striking. The first is the video of a little girl who has a total meltdown about the topic. She’s so enraged that her remarks are barely understandable. Even though kids are already having a tough time, middle school and junior high can be even more difficult. Are kids going to have to deal with the added baggage of social justice, gender norms, and pronouns that come along with it? Fury or not, the fact a middle-schooler is so upset over pronouns speaks volumes about the state of the society. No child should have to deal with a child’s tantrum because of a fad, identity, or trend. If you look at her reaction, you might think her parents “didn’t raise her right.” Maybe. Remember that she’s coming of age in an environment where her value is determined by how much intersectionality she has and whether she can express her anger.

Second, “Strudel”, the furry that goes by this name, is a voice for reason amongst all of this commotion. Strudel is saying that this type of behavior has a proper time and place, and school days are not those times or places. She is also correct in pointing out that others should not be adversely affected by personal preferences.

Utah Parents United posted the following on its Facebook page.

This is Utah!

We have confirmed that students at Mt. Nebo Middle School in Payson told students who were concerned about the behavior of “furries” that they should treat them with “curiosity and understanding, patience and tolerance”, even if their behaviors were disruptive and threatening. The photo shows a student who is chewing an actual stick during class.

Students protested. We support these students and parents.

Here’s what it looks like to “value diversity and inclusion over truth and common sense”

The school dress code and rules are centered on the marginalized, which is detrimental to children. This perpetuates the victim mentality that harms our children.

Parents must speak up when they see that schools are allowing disruptive, antisocial, and extreme behaviors.

Bob Woodson: “We need a system of education that inspires children’s gratitude, not grievance.”

Opinions vary as to whether the claims of the students are true. The Nebo school district responded quickly to my inquiry.

You are welcome. On April 17, there was a walkout of about 75 students and parents due to misinformation being spread online. We are here to let you know that the rumors about student behavior that circulate online are not true. It is normal for 11- and 12-year-old students to express themselves through their clothing. These children sometimes come to school wearing a headband with ears, or with giant bows. They may also dress as their favorite athletes. No students have worn masks or animal costumes to school. To maintain a positive environment, we address any distractions that may interfere with learning and dress code violations.

We take the safety of our students very seriously. Mt. There have not been any incidents of animal behavior, biting, licking, or costumes at Mt. Nebo Middle School. These rumors are false and do not occur in our schools. We are committed to preventing negative behaviors and cultivating a respectful community at school.

We encourage open communication. Please contact me or the school administration if you have any concerns from parents or patrons. We are committed to creating a supportive and safe environment for students and their parents.

You can see that the district has denied the accusations. Adam Bartholemew, a YouTuber who was present at the protest, posted just under an hour of footage on his channel:

Here is the condensed version if you don’t have an hour and a half.

One of the main objections of the students is that they do not have a way to defend themselves or seek redress from the school. Students claim that furries can do whatever they want, but must show “tolerance.”

As soon as I speak to Utah Parents United, I will contact them to follow up. In any story like this, there are always people taking sides. The usual accusations of exaggeration and prevarication are also made. Watch the tantrum of that little girl again. The fact that this issue was even brought up in a middle school is a tragedy.