Why Nikki Haley Believes the U.S. Can’t Ship Anti-Semitic Palestinians Here


GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley displayed a shamefully superficial understanding of Israel-hating Palestinians in Gaza while seemingly endorsing a proposal to ship up to a million Palestinians to America. She has since backtracked — but since others are urging that we bring Gazans here, it’s important to know why the U.S. should not bring ANY Gazans to America.

Haley’s comments were made on CNN, the bastion of utter inanity when she was speaking with Jake Tapper. It was in response to a comment made by GOP presidential candidate Governor. Ron DeSantis said on Saturday in Iowa, “I’m not sure what Biden will do, but I don’t think we can accept refugees from Gaza to this country.” You can tell by their behavior that not all are Hamas but all are anti-Semitic. Haley seemed to disagree with DeSantis when Tapper asked for her response.

You’ve gotta understand that, whether you’re talking about Gazans or Palestinians, uh, you know, half of them, at the time I was in Gaza, didn’t want Hamas to rule them. They didn’t like the terrorists in charge. They knew they were leading a horrible life due to Hamas. The other half supported Hamas and wanted to join it. Iran is no different. The Iranian people don’t want that Iranian regime.

Many of them want to be liberated from the terrorist rule. They want to be liberated from that. America has always supported the idea that civilians can be separated from terrorists, and this is what we must do.

Haley clarified to Fox News, stating that she was never in favor of bringing Gazans into America. She believes they should instead go to other Muslim nations. She remained firm in her assertion that the majority of Palestinians do not want to live under Hamas’ rule. DeSantis asked on the Megyn Kelley show why Haley would have said that America has always supported the idea that civilians can be separated from terrorists. DeSantis called Haley’s bluff. She received criticism for her remarks and changed her story.

Citizens for Renewing America noted that a Pew Research survey from 2013 showed that 62% of Palestinian Muslims support suicide bombing. A 2021 poll revealed that 67% of Palestinians supported Fatah, the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority (PA), or Hamas (53%) as a whole. Hamas, as we all know, is a terrorist organization. The PA, under Abbas, spends millions of dollars on the Pay-for-Slay Program, which encourages terrorism. As a result, 67% of Palestinians supported terrorist jihad against Israel in 2021.

According to JihadWatch the PA is actually paying $2.789 to the families of Hamas terrorists who committed atrocities against Israelis this month! In the same poll from 2021, 94% of Palestinians said they were “proud of” the Gaza Strip’s conduct during a conflict with Israel. They also criticized Israel for defending itself against a Hamas missile attack and Palestinian violence.

In my opinion, it is impossible to separate those Palestinians who support the violent jihad from those who do not (even though they are still taught to be antisemitic). How would this vetting actually be done? How can you be sure that the Palestinians who were brought to America did not harbor any violent intentions against Jews? The number of terrorists, and even potential terrorists, who have entered the U.S. without permission has risen dramatically under Biden’s administration. The administration hasn’t been very reliable in preventing terrorist entry.

It is also important to note that a Palestinian’s dissatisfaction with living under Hamas (which can be miserable) doesn’t guarantee their willingness to assimilate into Western/American culture. It is a form of cultural imperialism to assume that everyone else thinks the same way we do. Those who want to bring Gazans here believe that those dissatisfied with their poor living conditions can coexist peacefully and lovingly with Jewish Americans or any Americans. This is a ridiculous idea.

Since the 1960s, the term “Palestinians”, or “Palestinians”, was invented to falsely claim Israeli land. “Palestinians”, as they are called, have been brainwashed into hatred of Israel. Remember that Fatah referred to Jews as “apes and pork” and that both Hamas & Fatah called on the killing of Jews following the terrorist attack against Israelis.

The Islamic scriptures are full of anti-Semitic references, and the Palestinian leadership has insisted for years that killing Jews was a holy act, an act done to Allah and Islam. Palestinian terrorists also claim — falsely — to be the rightful owners of Israeli land and accuse Israel of being colonizers and occupiers. From the time they are born, Palestinians are indoctrinated with religious and political ideologies.

Hamas shows on TV for children in Gaza glorify terrorism and encourage them to kill Jews. Palestinians run annual summer camps to train child jihadi soldiers. JihadWatch highlighted a recent video featuring young Palestinian students from a United Nations School who are eager to kill Jews. Here are a few of their shocking comments:

Nur Taha, UNRWA Student: “Yes, we are taught that Zionists, our enemies, are the ones to fight. With Allah’s assistance, I will fight ISIS, the Islamic State.”

Arafat, UNRWA Student: “They taught us in school that Jews were fickle and bad people. I’m ready to drive over a Jew and stab him smiling.

Mohammed Richie (UNRWA student): “We must constantly stab [the Jews], drive over them, and shoot them.”

Anonymous UNRWA Student: “Stabbing Jews and running them over brings dignity to Palestinians.” I’m running them over with knives and stabbing them.

Mohammed Sedeh is a student at UNRWA: “Right Now, I’m prepared to be a bomber.”

Some Americans believe it is a good idea for Palestinians to come to America.

These are CHILDREN. All Palestinians, from toddlers to mothers to terrorists, have been taught to hate Jews for years on end and believe that wiping Israel off of the map is Allah’s will. It would be incredibly dangerous to send a million Palestinians, or even any Palestinians, to America. It is dangerous to bring in individuals who were raised on anti-Semitic terror rhetoric.