Why Do So Many Top Democrats Have No Problem Associating With a Virulent Anti-Semite?


It almost seems as if Maher AbdullQader, the Palestinian American Congress is everywhere. He also knows Keith Ellison, the Minnesota Attorney General.

AbdelQader “participated in many events over the years with AbdelQader with the most recent being September 25, 2021. AbdelQader posted a photo of Tlaib and him on a Manhattan rooftop the day after the fundraiser.

Tlaib was a vocal critic for Israel, and AbdelQader’s hatred towards Jews didn’t bother her.

Fox reported that Cori Bush was presented with a Bush fundraising flyer by Abdel Qader in November. It was for a reception at the St. Louis Palestine Solidarity Committee and the Muslim Community of St. Louis. Bush asked for donations between $100 and $2,500. He also donated $250 to her fundraising campaign. Abdel Qader seems to prefer Tlaib to Bush.

Eric Adams is Abdel Qader’s strangest friend. He was a friend to the New York Jewish community, and appointed two Orthodox Jews to his administration.

Adams’ campaign was so careless it didn’t pick this up about Abdel Qader. Adams’ win was so certain, New York being a one-party state and a fractious Republican Party, that it didn’t pick up this material about Abdel Qader. Worst case scenario is that Adams’ campaign figured that Abdel Qader’s anti-Semitism, which was hateful and far-Left-Left-pro-BDS base, would be a match for the street cred Adams lost as a former officer.

Is antisemitism so widespread on the Left, that an open Jew-hater such as Maher AbdelQader could become an influential mover/shaker in Dem politics?