Biden Doesn’t Count Drunk Driving as a Felony for Illegal Immigrants


To the amazement of his interviewers, Joe Biden inexplicably declares that drunk driving is not a crime.

His bizarre declaration that DUI is insignificant for illegal immigrants was made during a VICE News town hall discussion on minority issues. When he was asked about his position on illegal immigration and the deportation of those who were convicted or charged for felony law-breaking in the United States, he replied that he would. He promised that if he is elected to the White House in 2020 he would immediately issue an executive order (EO), which would prevent U.S Immigration and Customs agents from deporting illegal immigrants who have not been convicted of a felony. Biden stated that he would determine the severity of a crime and not law enforcement.

Unfortunately, and true to his word on January 20, 2020, Joe Biden, the newly elected President, signed many EOs that reversed four years of Donald Trump’s EOs reducing illegal immigration and requiring ICE to not enforce our existing immigration laws. A Biden EO signed early not only reversed Trump’s gains in E.O. 13768 but also allowed the ICE Director to decide who should leave the country, further loosening American immigration policies. Trump changed the goal of immigration enforcement to protect American citizens and not “enhance public safety.” This resulted in immigration enforcement being reoriented towards protecting illegal immigrants from “financial hardship” and the “risk [of] falling into poverty”.

While context is always essential in any video clip, Biden’s statement is shocking, especially in light of problems with the law members of his own family have had, such as the 2019 DUI arrest and conviction of Biden’s thirty-three-year-old niece, Caroline, and the drug possession arrest of Biden’s son, Hunter. The New York Post reports that the Biden Family has a long list of crimes.


Four Joe Biden family members have rap sheets and positive court outcomes.

The rap sheets — and favorable court outcomes — of four Joe Biden relatives

Ashley Biden
Daughter, 39
Charge: Pot possession in New Orleans in 1999. No conviction was recorded.
Charge: Attempting to obstruct a police officer in Chicago in 2002. Dropped.

Frank Biden
Brother, 66
Charge: DUI in Florida in 2003. Six months probation.
Charge: Petty theft in Florida in 2003. Dropped.
Charge: Driving with a suspended license in Florida in 2004. Three months in rehab.

Caroline Biden
Niece, 33
Charge: Resisting arrest, obstruction of government administration, harassment in NYC, 2013. Case dismissed.
Charge: Grand and petty larceny in NYC in 2017. Two years probation; restitution of $110,000 in stolen credit card charges.
Charge: DUI, driving without an [license] in Pennsylvania in 2019. Case pending.

Hunter Biden
Son, 50
Charge: Drug possession in New Jersey in 1988. Pretrial intervention program, records expunged.

Biden’s DUI comment was made just days after Speaker Nancy Pelosi was arrested for DUI. Even though Paul Pelosi doesn’t belong to the Biden family, he has a strong friend like Biden who doesn’t think a DUI is a big deal. Will Pelosi’s husband face any serious consequences for his reckless behavior? Dear readers, we don’t recommend you hold your breath.

Let’s not forget that Joe Biden was the same man who falsely claimed for years and again that the terrible car accident that claimed the lives of his first wife, and his baby girl, was the result of a drunk driver. It was absolutely not.

Biden’s statements may be misunderstood, but most Americans, especially those who have lost loved ones to illegal immigrant drunk drivers, believe that driving drunk should be a felony. We shouldn’t allow illegal immigrant drivers to enter the country. Biden and his leftist colleagues care more about criminal illegal immigrants getting behind the wheel than about innocent law-abiding Americans like you and I. Remember, dear readers that November is coming.