While Biden Was Vacationing the Seventh U.S. Embassy Got Evacuated


Joe Biden’s “Bidenomics’ messaging hasn’t worked, so he wants the 2024 elections to be about foreign policy. But how will that work? His foreign policy efforts haven’t been very successful.

The president spent Sunday at his Delaware Beach House, relaxing.

George W. Bush was criticized for golfing during the war. After realizing the criticism was valid, he stopped golfing for the rest of his presidency.

The U.S. Embassy was evacuated on Sunday after unrest in the region led to a “Level 4-Do Not Travel” advisory.

This version has been updated to reflect the departure order of U.S. Government personnel who are not in an emergency and their eligible family members.

Avoid traveling to Iraq because of terrorism, kidnappings, civil unrest, and armed conflict. Mission Iraq is limited in its ability to support U.S. citizens.

The Department has ordered that all eligible family members, and U.S. Government personnel who are not in an emergency situation must leave the U.S. Consulate Erbil and U.S. Embassy Baghdad on October 20, 2023, due to the increased threat of security against U.S. Government personnel and interests.

The State Department warns that U.S. nationals in Iraq face a high risk of violence and kidnapping.

This is the seventh evacuation of a U.S. embassy during Biden’s tenure, after Afghanistan, Ukraine, and Belarus. It must be a record, right? It’s not the type of record that you can brag about if you’re running for re-election.