What Democrats Don’t Want You to Know About Hakeem Jeffries


We reported that after Republicans had been projected to retake Congress, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) made it official by announcing Thursday that she would not be seeking reelection as Democratic leader of the next Congress.

Pelosi, who is 82 years old, stated that it was time for a new generation to lead the Democratic Caucus. Pelosi also said that she was helping prepare for Rep. Hakeem Jeffreys, D-N.Y.’s success.

Jeffries has been a member of Congress since 2013. Jeffries is described by some media as a “skilled operator” at the conference, with sharp communication skills to communicate a Democratic message to the public. He might be challenged by House “Squad”, who “labeled Jeffries a centrist.”

Jeffries and the “historical” nature his upcoming role as House Minority Leader are not covered by the media. He is a denier of elections and attempts to undermine and delegitimize our sacred institutions, which is often referred to by Democrats as the courts or the democratic system.

It’s amazing to think that all of us have been told how dangerous this talk can be.

There’s also the matter of Hakeem Jeffries’ rampant anti-Semitism. (Twitter thread).

Fairness aside. Even though Rep. Jeffries does not seem to have disassociated himself from his uncle’s comments, he has spoken out against anti-Semitism many times, including via social media.

“The alarming increase in anti-Semitic violent crime in NYC and throughout the country is deeply troubling.” Jeffries tweeted on May 20, 2121, “We will crush intolerance wherever it is found.”

Jeffries also called pro-life conservatives a “cult”. This was his opinion during the Kyle Rittenhouse trial. It became apparent that Rittenhouse’s self-defense actions meant that he should be locked up and have the key thrown away.

The “new generation of Democrats” in the House is pure wakefulness. While not as alert as AOC, they were still awake enough to create nightmares for Republicans over the next few months.

I can’t wait.