Unidentified Witness Raises Eyebrows: Both Cars Totaled, Driver Froze After Paul Pelosi DUI Crash


We previously reported that Paul Pelosi, the husband of Nancy Pelosi, was also arrested for driving under the influence and causing injuries. Napa County District Attorney has decided to charge Paul Pelosi (Nancy Pelosi’s husband). with driving under the influence causing injury and driving with a blood-alcohol level of .08 percent or over.

The charges filed against Paul Pelosi are considered misdemeanor over felony charges, and the press release states that the decision for pressing misdemeanor charges was based “upon the extent of the injuries suffered by the victim.”

The driver’s blood-alcohol level was not checked until after the collision at 12:32 AM. The crash took place at 10:17 PM.

A misdemeanor DUI could result in up to five years probation, at most five days in jail, an ignition interlock system installed, fines, fees, and completion of a court-ordered drinking driver class.

His arraignment will take place on August 3.

The California Highway Patrol denied second public records request from Fox News Digital on Thursday seeking dash-cam footage of the arrest, stating that the agency is in possession of the information, but cannot release it because it could “jeopardize an ongoing investigation.”

According to the statement, the victim (the man whose 2014 Jeep was hit by Pelosi) invoked his Marsy’s Law rights to ask the media to honor his wishes. This helps Paul Pelosi when you can’t find out what happened and you can’t talk to the victim about it. Also, Marsy’s Law protects victims from harassment and intimidation during the criminal process. Is the victim more worried about the media or Nancy Pelosi?

TMZ reports information that hasn’t been released yet:

The CHP officers who responded say Pelosi had “objective signs and symptoms of alcohol intoxication” … such as watery eyes, slurred speech and a “strong odor” of alcohol on his breath. They say he also showed signs of impairment after field sobriety testing.

Interestingly, they also note Pelosi handed officers his “11-99 Foundation” card when they asked him for ID. The foundation provides financial assistance and scholarships to CHP officers and their families.

This subtle hint is meant to say, “Give me some time.”

The victim also complained of pain in his arm, shoulder, and neck and had trouble lifting objects. He has to seek medical attention.

Jesse Watters, a Fox reporter, screamed about Paulie P. He refers to him as “Paulie P”.

It may not have been only alcohol that hindered Paul Pelosi’s driving. Two people who have spoken with the Pelosis since the crash said that Paul Pelosi had had cataract surgery in the days preceding the dinner. (Doctors are somewhat divided about when it is acceptable to drive, with estimates that range from 24 hours to two weeks.)

The speaker swung into crisis mode. By Sunday afternoon, Larry Kamer, a crisis manager who has a home in Napa and has worked for high-profile clients including Harvard University and Nike, was retained. The family also consulted with John Keker, one of San Francisco’s most prominent defense lawyers, and Lee Houskeeper, a longtime public relations executive for San Francisco political types, including former Mayor Willie Brown.

The newly assembled team had to deal with a few unwelcome certainties: The accident would refocus attention on Paul Pelosi’s troubled driving record, including a crash when he was a teenager that left his brother dead. It would also send reporters — from TMZ to The Napa Valley Register — scrambling after every detail.

The Times mentions another occasion where Nancy, Paul, and their children were in that car during the 1970s when it flipped. The Pelosi camp refused to give details to The New York Times regarding who drove.

Watters noted that the Times reported there was a witness to the crash and expressed sympathy for Paul Pelosi.

There was a lot of sympathy and protection after what happened over Memorial Day weekend among the powerful political and social figures of the Pelosis.

Witnesses of this accident said that both cars were totaled. Paul Pelosi was seen in the car for several moments before the sheriff arrived.

Residents suggested that Napa residents should be treated with understanding, and not criminal penalties for driving after drinking.

“I feel so terrible about this because there was once a time when if something like that happened, you would have to be taken home by the cops,” said Diane Wilsey, better known as Dede and a society icon.

He could have killed someone. As Watters says, where did the witness come from? On the side of the road in rural Napa County late at night? Watters speculates the person was in the car. We don’t know whether or not they were, though Watters has spoken to a member of the Fire Department who says they know the answer. They are being asked by the District Attorney’s office to keep quiet. However, this is the problem you get when you don’t release the information. Speculation abounds. Watters said the police refused to confirm or deny that there was anyone in the car with Pelosi, and that the Times left a little something out of their story – the Sheriff who first arrived on the scene then left because it wasn’t in his jurisdiction, and called the CHP to investigate. Watters also said that if the D.A. doesn’t produce the information, they’ll be taking her to court to get it.

Welp. We weren’t lying when we said there were many questions.