Twitter Files on COVID-19 Drops


Past Twitter Files leaks have revealed shocking details. The FBI’s direct involvement in the suppression of free speech is perhaps the most astonishing revelation. But the investigation into corruption is not over. It’s not over.

For me, this is the next big installment that we have been anticipating. It focuses on Twitter’s suppression of speech regarding COVID-19 and contains some unexpected reveals. The Trump administration was not in control of how it coordinated with Twitter to fight “misinformation.”

Although I might be partisan, I am not a hacker. My consistent standard regarding “misinformation,” has been that the government should not have any role in its policing. It’s just too many things that could happen in the area of abuse of power, and violations of the First Amendment, for politicians or bureaucrats to touch that third rail. While the Trump administration had good intentions and their transgressions were not as severe, it is still disappointing that they played that game.

Joe Biden went even further.

Zweig explains that Twitter began to conform to official White House views. This meant that medical professionals sharing evidence-based views about natural immunity and mask effectiveness were outlawed or even banned. Much of this was accomplished by bots that were trained through machine learning to recognize certain words and phrases.

Moderation was also outsourced to countries like the Philippines, where low-level workers were expected to hear serious discussions about issues like vaccine side effects. This was a bad move if you are a believer in free speech and truth. Twitter’s top executives set the tone by setting the agenda, giving inputs to the AI, and telling moderation teams what they should look for.

Zweig continues to list examples of medical professionals who were banned or suppressed, with Dr. Martin Kulldorff as “Exhibit A.”

Oddly, I still remember Kulldorff’s tweet and being shocked that it was misinformation. Natural immunity wasn’t a new concept. Therefore, for someone to suggest that people who have it don’t need to hurry to get vaccinated shouldn’t be controversial. It was incompatible with the White House’s vaccination message which was to vaccinate every living being. This was quickly discredited and misinformation was used (falsely).

Another example is this: a bot flagging an article and then a human confirming what should have been reversed.

If you used the CDC data to prove an objective fact, you would be expelled under Twitter’s old regime. This is how committed they were to a set of talking points. It’s even worse that these talking points were provided by the government, specifically the White House and CDC.

To be clear, the information I have highlighted is only a small part of the entire story. Zweig’s thread goes on from there. We haven’t received the internal documents dealing with Dr. Anthony Fauci’s intrusions yet. They are likely to come, I would guess. Keep watching.