The House Passes a Bill to Defund the IRS


It’s a start, at least. The House of Representatives approved Monday a bill that would cut approximately $71 billion off the $80 billion allocated to the Internal Revenue Service. The Hill reported that the vote was voted on by both parties and passed 221-210. The victory could be considered symbolic as it is likely to be DOA in Senate. However, it is a victory for Kevin McCarthy. It sends a message that the GOP-controlled House is trying to fulfill its 2022 election promises. It is unclear whether the intention was to rein in congressional spending or simply give the impression.

This bill, unlike other pieces of legislation like the omnibus spending bill, is slightly longer than the others. The “Family and Small Business Taxpayer Protection Act” directs that any “unobligated amounts of amounts appropriated, or otherwise made available” by the agency be canceled.

Republicans claim that the $ 80 billion that was originally allocated will be used to hire new enforcement officers, but the agency says that it will use the money to pay computer customer service representatives and replace employees who are retiring or resigning. Republicans fear that the bill will fund more enforcement for the middle and lower classes. However, Charles Rettig, the IRS Commissioner, stated that large corporations and households earning over $400,000 per year would be subject to increased scrutiny.

The responses were predictable and expected. The White House charged the GOP with trying to make life easier and more difficult for the wealthy while making it harder for ordinary taxpayers. The Hill also quoted Richard Neal (Massachusetts Democrat) who is the ranking member on the Ways and Means Committee. Neal stated that such a move would increase the deficit over the next years and relieve the wealthy from their tax obligations. Concerning the deficit, Neal was speaking to a CBO estimate of a $186 billion loss over ten years due to the $ 71 billion reduction in spending. According to the Washington Examiner, the report stated that the move would eventually result in an increase of $114.4 billion in the deficit.

If the Obama administration had not weaponized the IRS against the groups that were targeted by Lois Lerner, the Democrats’ reaction to the House voting might have been more sanitized. It might have been even more plausible if the previous Congress had not passed the $1.7 trillion spending bill, which was flown to St. Croix by the president for his signature. The “Michelle Obama Trail-PATH Trail Project” is one of the pork projects set to get a cash injection. This will cost taxpayers $ 3.6 million. Unfortunately, $ 3.6 million is only a small fraction of the total spending. These projects will improve the lives of someone, somewhere. The Democrats are not afraid to bounce checks like a superball and max out the national card. They see no reason why they shouldn’t also have their trial and an enormous IRS.