Study Claims 255,000 Excess Votes for Biden in Battleground States


A new study on 2020 election discrepancies found that at least 250,000 votes were “excess” for Joe Biden in six battleground states.

John Lott Jr., an economist and gun expert, will make the claim in a peer-reviewed study for Public Choice. Lott reported that the study, which is still in its final stages of approval, shows that as many as 368,000 votes from Arizona, Georgia and Nevada could have helped tip the election to Joe Biden.

“Biden won these states only – Arizona and Georgia, Michigan, Nevada Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin – with a total 313,253 votes. The gap was 159.065 excluding Michigan.

Lott insists that his goal is not to win the 2020 election, but to show that there is a real problem that must be addressed.

He says, “Americans should have confidence in future election results.”

Lott also blames Trump supporters, such as Sidney Powell for discrediting legitimate concerns about the integrity and of the 2020 election. He promised to “Release Kraken” but then provided no evidence.

Lott claims that he does have the receipts. He compared the voter registration rolls, absentee vote counts, provisional ballots, and in-person votes in different counties where fraud was alleged to have occurred and compared them with similar counties. He found statistically inexplicable differences that suggested fraud.

“In 2016, there wasn’t an unexplained gap between absentee ballot counts. Lott explained that 2020 was a completely different story. “Just in Fulton County in Georgia, my test returned an unexplained 17,000 vote – 32% more that Biden’s margin of victory over Trump across the entire state.”

“Republican-leaning counties in swing states had higher turnouts than the 2016 election.” Except for those counties that were accused of vote fraud, turnouts in Democratic-leaning areas was lower than in Democratic-leaning ones.

Lott believes his estimates “understate” fraud because he didn’t attempt to identify in-person fraud. He acknowledges, however, that it is too late to fix what happened in 2020 and that we must look at fixing the issues that make our elections vulnerable to fraud.