Speaker Johnson Unmasks the Decay in Mainstream Media in Fiery Meet the Press Clash


On Sunday, House Speaker Mike Johnson(R-LA), appearing on the show “Meet the Press,” found himself in an explosive interview. Johnson, battling Kristen Welker on “Meet the Press,” was bombarded by questions about Donald Trump’s health. The scene revealed the rot that has infected mainstream journalism.



WELKER: It is important to note that FEMA funding was redirected under Donald Trump’s leadership to address the migrant problem. You mentioned medical records. Should Trump be concerned about this?


While Johnson does fact-check her, I think the real issue is how the story was framed. For these journalists, illegal immigration is a mere talking point. Welker believes that context is irrelevant, and so she thinks her gotcha moment has arrived. It’s not, though. Johnson pointed out that the fund in question was created and allocated every fiscal year.


They are responsible for the expenditures made under Vice President Kamala Harri and President Joe Biden. It is also important to consider the amounts. Under Trump, for example, only $30 million was allocated to the EFSP-H. Biden’s budget was $150 million in his first year.


Welker pressed Johnson on the health of Trump, and he asked about his cholesterol levels.


WELKER: Should Donald Trump disclose all his medical records to the public?


JOHNSON: He released the records of his doctors as a distraction because she is desperate and sinking in polls. Donald Trump’s health has been put on display. It is visible to everyone in America. He never stops working. He never quits. He sleeps about four hours per night. He doesn’t need as much sleep as most people. This is the kind of strength we need at this time. The most dangerous time since World War II is upon us. You need to be strong. You need to be able to keep your balance. You need a commander-in-chief whom our allies will respect and who our enemies will fear. They don’t fear Kamala. They fear Donald Trump. They’re going to vote for that.


WELKER: Just to be clear, Mr. Speaker, he still hasn’t made all of his medical records public. He has released two letters. Should he release the results of a cognitive test he claimed …?


JOHNSON: It’s unnecessary. He is on display every second.


WELKER: It’s not necessary, as you can see he hasn’t released his medical records. You don’t need to know his cholesterol levels or if he has any health issues that we might not be aware of if he is going to become Commander in Chief. He also promised to release his cognitive test, which he passed.


JOHNSON Kristen, listen to your question (crosstalk). The American people are not interested in Donald Trump’s cholesterol level. They are concerned about the cost of living and that they cannot afford to buy groceries due to Kamala Harris’s and Joe Biden’s policies.



There may be a valid argument as to whether Trump should or shouldn’t release his medical records. It’s my firm belief that nobody at NBC News, or the mainstream media, has the right to make this argument. They are the same people who ignored Biden’s serious cognitive (and physical issues). A Parkinson’s expert appeared on NBC News at one point and stated that the president is clearly suffering from the condition. The network did not ask any further questions about the matter.


The press didn’t start rumbling until Biden collapsed in front of the audience during the first presidential discussion. This was to make sure Harris was chosen as his replacement. Welker was allowed to ask Democrats whether Biden’s cognitive test results should be released or his full records, but she did not. She did instead what she and all her colleagues do every day, which helped cover up the scandal.


Johnson is right that nobody cares about Trump’s cholesterol. It’s the same as when people were hysterical about tax returns. Once they were released and stolen, nothing was left. MSNBC had to try and spin the depreciation of business as a scandal. The issues that concern American voters have them worried. Right now, the choice is between continuing as we have been or changing direction.


Johnson deserves credit for combating Welker’s biased framing. But there needs to be a serious discussion about whether Republicans ought to give these networks any money. These appearances only serve to give legitimacy and credibility to left-wing hacks, who don’t deserve it. The press is corrupt to its core and will not improve.