Shocking Tale: RFK Jr. Reveals He Left a Dead Bear in Central Park!


The Kennedy family has been surrounded by intrigue and drama for decades. But this is one of the most bizarre stories that one of them ever had to deal with.

RFK Jr. uploaded a video to Twitter/X on Sunday, showing him telling Roseanne Barr the comedienne that he was responsible for the bear’s death that was discovered in New York City Central Park in 2014. Really.

What he claims happened is:

He recalled that a woman driving in the van ahead of him had hit a bear. It was a young one. I stopped and picked up the bear. It was in good condition and I planned to skin it and store the meat.

You can do this in New York State. He said that you can get a road-kill bear tag.

It’s already an odd, but interesting story. It gets even stranger. It gets even weirder.

The 70-year-old presidential candidate claimed he then went hawking (a term for falconry) with the dead beaver in his car.

He told me they had stayed up late and caught a lot so that he couldn’t go home to Westchester. Instead, he went straight to New York City to have dinner.

The dinner was also late and Kennedy said he had to go to an airport rather than home.

Kennedy stated that the bear was in her car. She said, “I didn’t leave the bear inside the car as it would have been dangerous.”

Kennedy claimed that he had a “little bit of redneck” in him when he said there had been several bicycle accidents in the City and many people were killed or severely injured.

Kennedy remembered that it was reported in the newspaper every day. He also had an older bike in his vehicle, which someone asked him to get rid of.

Kennedy and Barr laughed as Kennedy said, ‘I said, let’s put the bear in Central Park and make it look like it was hit by a bicycle.’ “So everyone thought that was a great idea.”

Kennedy claimed that he was not drinking at the time of the decision, but that others were.

You may not have been drinking, RFK. But, did you do something else? These are odd decisions.


In the tweet above, he reportedly referred to the New Yorker because they had learned about the story. They are now writing an article on it and RFK believes “It will be a terrible article.” He’s probably trying to beat the bad press by telling Barr such a wild story.

At the time of its discovery, the bear’s death caused a stir in New York City. However, the mystery was never solved.

Kennedy stated in his video that after leaving the bear dead in the park the following day, it was broadcast on all television stations and newspapers.

I turned on the television and there was a mile of yellow tape and 20 police cars. Kennedy stated that helicopters were flying above the area. I was like, “Oh my God. What did I do?

Kennedy was concerned because his prints covered the entire bike. Kennedy, however, said that the story had died out after a time and “it stayed dead” for over a decade.

There’s still more! Guess who wrote the story in 2014! This is not a joke.

We now know the reason for the dead bear found in Central Park. Unknown: How this will impact his presidential campaign. It’s unlikely to help, I think.