RFK Jr. Believes There’s Overwhelming Evidence of CIA’s Involvement in JFK Assassination


Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a presidential candidate, made his strongest accusations yet about the 1963 assassination of his uncle JFK. He accused the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the murder that changed the world. This is not the first instance that he has expressed this belief. However, his remarks are among the most categorical he has ever made.

He spoke with John Catsimatidis, the host of WABC 770’s “Cats Roundtable”, on Sunday and made it clear where he stood:

The CIA is implicated in the murder of his son. It’s clear to me that the CIA was involved in his murder.

Evidence is overwhelming that the CIA played a role in both the murder and the cover-up.

JFK, who was President at the time of his death in Dallas on November 22, 1963, was riding in a motorcade when he was shot. After the Warren Commission investigation, it was determined that Lee Harvey Oswald had acted alone. There was no evidence that there were any other conspirators.

The explanation was not satisfactory to many people. Since then, countless theories, books, and films have been produced, speculating about a wide range of possible plots by Russia. the Mafia. Cuba. and others.

RFK accused the CIA as well of orchestrating this attack on Saturday, during an appearance on “All In”, the podcast:

RFK suggested that our government had done to his uncle due to his reluctance of going to war.

My uncle, who was president at the time, was surrounded by an army-industrial complex, and a spy apparatus, which were constantly trying to convince him to go to war in Laos or Vietnam. He refused.

He stated that it is the duty of the American President to keep America out of war. He refused to send troops into combat.

He said that he also thought that a particular book made the best argument for the argument.

The Unspeakable by Jim Douglass is the best distillation of the evidence. It includes confessions, people involved in the crime, and the six-year cover-up.

I’ve read at least 100 books about the topic, but I think this book is the best.

Simon Schuster, the publisher of the book in 2010, describes it as follows:

JFK, at the height of the Cold War, risked the worst crime in history by starting a nuclear conflict. Kennedy, terrified by the prospect of nuclear destruction, gradually shifted away from his Cold Warrior views and towards a lasting peace policy. Kennedy’s sudden change of heart posed a threat to the power and influence of the United States military and intelligence agencies, which were determined to win the Cold War no matter what. These “Unspeakable” recognized that Kennedy’s views were directly in opposition to theirs, so they labeled him a traitor and plotted his murder.

The National Archives released in December thousands of documents that had been sealed in the six decades following JFK’s assassination.

Tucker Carlson reported, before his abrupt departure from Fox News, that he had been in touch with a reliable source who was able to access documents still hidden that showed CIA involvement in this murder.

Some people paint RFK Jr. as a wacko and even his siblings have distanced themselves because of his stance regarding vaccines. It’s clear, however, that he is intelligent and does his homework.

It is a fact that the majority of people do not believe the official government conclusion that a single gunman shot and killed the president.