Recovered Data Reveals the Extent of Hunter Biden’s Control of His Father


Hunter Biden’s laptop is providing interesting information about his dark relationship with his father. Joe Biden always claimed that his dealings with his son were separate from his work. A recently recovered video however shows a totally different picture.

Washington Examiner reports that Hunter Biden claims in the video that he can control his father’s words. He mentions that “the president thinks he is a god “.

“If I tell my dad it’s important, then he will find a solution to make it part of his platform. My dad loves me more than anyone in the world. This is something I know to be true. It doesn’t matter if it has an impact on his politics”.

…“Everyone thinks it, or talks about it— “How can you be as good as your dad?”’ I’m better than my dad,” Hunter Biden said. “You know why I’m better than my dad? Because my dad tells me I’m better than him since I was 2 years old.”

Apparently, the drug use has completely fried Hunter Biden’s ability to perceive reality. I mean, Joe Biden isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, but I’m pretty sure the crack-addled, Navy flunkie who has made his living grifting off his father’s name isn’t “better” at anything but making amateur porn (of which his laptop was full of). That the president thinks so highly of Hunter Biden is more evidence of his horrific judgment. I understand it’s his son, but at some point, he is just enabling destructive behavior well past the point of virtue, and that point was decades ago.

Hunter Biden is a deluded man. But, what’s more, interesting is the fact that he tried to coerce Joe Biden into making a deal with him. He offered to trade fame and influence.

He said a personal story Horan told him “will literally be a f****** blip in a f****** radar fucking screen as compared to my presence if my dad becomes president of the United States.

“You will have attention,” Hunter Biden added…

…“I believe that’s an opportunity to say the things and just show the things and to reveal the things through this project that we want to reveal … because you will have attention,” he added.

Another example of Hunter Biden’s willingness to compromise his father’s will was found on the iPhone backup that was recovered from the laptop. Joe Biden finally made it to the event.

A few days later, Michael Karloutsos texted, “We tried. I’m grateful. Thank you.” Hunter Biden was taken aback, replying, “Excuse? We are coming I’ll be there also?” Michael Karloutsos then said Joe Biden’s office had again said the elder Biden couldn’t do it. Hunter Biden replied, “WTF she is crazy to call me … We are coming I’ll take care of it don’t cancel the plane for him … We are doing it.

This proves that Joe Biden’s claim that he was not involved in his sons’ corrupt dealings is false. Hunter Biden’s close involvement with his father’s political affairs only strengthens the argument for separation. Hunter Biden dictated to his father. The power he gained from his father was then used to influence others for his own personal gain.

If you believe Hunter Biden was in another place at the time the recordings were made, and that the records weren’t recovered, here’s another interesting revelation from an iPhone backup.

Hunter Biden claimed three days ago that he had advised his dad about political matters. Hunter Biden then sought help from Google to create crack cocaine.

“I think I put too much baking soda in my mix with cocaine to make crack how do I fix it,” Hunter Biden searched Google at 7:23 a.m. on Jan. 19, 2019, according to records found within the encrypted iPhone XS backup folder on a copy of his abandoned laptop.

Joe Biden claims that this man is the smartest man he has ever met. This seems to be a very kind comment by the president because his son is clearly not that smart. Joe and Hunter seem to have apparent professional connections.