Pelosi Questions Biden’s Authorship of July Letter, Sparking Conspiracy Debate


Nancy Pelosi, former House Speaker of California (D), is known for being a snob. She has repeatedly criticized Joe Biden since his June debate performance. Many believe she is the main architect of the “coup”, which forced him to drop out of the race.

It could be as simple as she didn’t need him anymore once he showed he would hurt Dems’ chances of winning races down the ballot.

She did it again on Friday when she appeared on Ezra Klein’s podcast, a New York Times columnist. She threw out the conspiracy theories that Biden had not written the infamous July letter claiming he didn’t intend to quit his campaign despite immense pressure. He did it less than two weeks after that.

Pelosi appeared to speak as much through her eyes and hands as with her words. She knowingly gestured with her hand in a “wink-wink” manner.


“I did not accept the letter for anything other than a letter,” she said.

What is it? What else could you call it? She then added “I mean …” and performed the mugging that I had referred to. Wink wink and nudge, nudge.

She then got strange, saying that some people weren’t happy with the letter and then changing it to read that some people had said that others were not happy with it. Can someone get even more weaselly than that?

Some people did not like the letter. Let me just say that I heard that some people weren’t happy with the letter. I’ll say what someone else said.

Pelosi, only two days later, hammered home what many believe was the last nail in his campaign. She refused to acknowledge that he’d just announced that he was running, and said, “It is up to the President to decide if he will run.” We all encourage him to make this decision because the time is short. He said that he would be staying in the race.

It was another strange performance from an always weird woman. I am astonished that she is one of Washington’s most powerful women, as her overthrow of the US president proves. She is downright creepy. Did you notice the joy she showed when accusing the President of fraud?

She may be right. But it would be hard to imagine Ole Joe being able to write such a letter. Stephen Miller, a Trump adviser, pointed out this in a tweet. So who is running the country then?

Pelosi made a very good case for the 25th Amendment. It’s difficult to tell what the octogenarian Californian is after, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she was pursuing something.

Watch the complete podcast below.