North Dakota Driver Released After Confessing to Killing Teen for His Political Beliefs


It didn’t take too long.

After posting a bond of $50,000, the North Dakota man accused of confessing to the murder of an 18-year-old man over his political views was released from prison on Tuesday. Shannon Brandt (41), was only held for a few days on charges related the Cayler Ellingson murder before being released.

He was at a street dance when the victim called his mother to have him picked up. After Brandt started following him in his car, he made the call.

Ellingson’s mom was, unfortunately, unable to reach the scene before Brandt allegedly ran Ellingson over in his car and killed him.

According to police, the suspect admitted to killing the young man as he was part of an “extremist Republican group”. He had also called for people to go to Brandt after a disagreement over politics. This is the same language President Joe Biden used to attack conservatives in his widely-panned speech from Philadelphia, PA earlier this month.

Fox News reported:

Brandt, a Glenfield resident was arrested early Sunday morning after telling state radio first responders that he had “hit the pedestrian because the pedestrian was trying to threaten him”. According to a probable cause affidavit, Fox News Digital received Wednesday morning, Brandt was arrested.

The document states that Brandt claimed that the pedestrian called some people, and Brandt was afraid that they would come after him. “Brandt admitted that he struck the pedestrian and that the pedestrian belonged to a Republican extremist group,” the document continues.

According to court documents, “Brandt admitted that he struck the pedestrian with his vehicle because he was having a political argument and believed that the pedestrian was calling for help.” “Brandt admitted that he left the scene of the accident and returned shortly thereafter to the 911 call center.”

The suspect admitted that he was drunk at the time of his attack.

This story has been mostly covered by local news stations. Right-leaning outlets are the only major media outlets to have picked up this story. CNN, MSNBC, and ABC News continue to ignore the tragedy as of writing.

Brandt will be charged with vehicular murder and leaving the scene after a fatal accident. Brandt was previously convicted of DUI. He could spend up to 20 years in prison if convicted.