New York Detects Polio Virus In Sewage After First Case In Nearly a Decade Rocks Public Health Officials


According to “public health” experts, Polio, which was virtually eradicated in the United States over decades, could be making a comeback here in New York City.

The health authorities stated that polio was detected in New York City’s wastewater. This suggests that the virus that causes the disease may be circulating in the city.

Three weeks ago, a Rockland County man was diagnosed with polio, which left him paralyzed. Officials fear that paralytic polio could be preceded by the discovery of polio in New York City’s water supply.

Mary Bassett, New York State Health Commissioner, claims this means that hundreds haven’t yet been identified.

Bassett stated that New Yorkers need to be aware of the fact that paralytic polio can spread quickly and could infect hundreds more people based on previous polio outbreaks. The department considers the single case of Polio, when combined with the most recent wastewater findings, to be just the tip of an iceberg that has much greater potential for spread.

Dr. Patricia Schnabel Ruppert is the health commissioner for Rockland County. She believes that’s an understatement.

If you are able to see paralytic cases, there isn’t one case of polio. She said that paralytic polio incidence is lower than 1%.

“Most cases are mildly or asymptomatic and are often overlooked”.

“So, there are hundreds, maybe even thousands of cases that have happened in order to see a paralytic instance.”

These are some facts to know before we move on.

Polio is a very serious disease. It was a deadly disease that killed and disabled thousands of people in its peak days. My uncle contracted polio when he was a child. He is now almost completely immobile. Get the vaccine if you haven’t had it. It actually works, unlike other concoctions. The national vaccination program was so successful that the disease was declared “terminated” in 1979. According to CDC data, there has been only one case of naturally occurring polio paralysis within the US for about 20 years. The immigration vector is responsible for the majority of cases since 1980.

There have been an average of 8 cases each year since then that have been linked to the vaccine. Below is a quote from Poliomyelitis. It was taken from the CDC website.

Between 1980 and 1999, 162 cases of paralytic Poliomyelitis were confirmed in the United States. This averaged 8 cases per year. Six cases were due to wild poliovirus, two were indeterminant (no poliovirus was isolated from samples taken from patients) and two were unrelated to vaccinations. 95 percent of the remaining cases were vaccine-associated Paralytic Polio or VAPP. These cases were caused by Sabin poliovirus strains in the OPV vaccine.

Because polio doesn’t have an animal reservoir, it is distinct from other viruses such as COVID. It is only found in humans. Again, I am quoting the CDC website:


Poliovirus is only found in humans. It is most commonly transmitted to people with unapparent infections. Except for immunocompromised people, there is no asymptomatic carrier state.

Polio can be highly contagious in a particular context. This is the same CDC website.


The fecal and oral routes are the most common ways that poliovirus can be spread from person to person. In settings of poor hygiene and sanitation, the fecal-oral route is the most important path to transmission.


Poliovirus is extremely infectious. The seroconversion rate among children’s household contacts and more than 90% among adults who are susceptible to the virus makes it highly contagious. People infected by poliovirus tend to be most contagious in the first few days after symptoms begin. However, poliovirus can remain in the stool for as long as 6 weeks.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are 200 cases of paralysis that cause no or very minor symptoms.

One in 200 cases of infection can cause irreversible paralysis (most commonly in the legs). Between 5-10% of paralyzed people die when their breathing muscles are immobilized.

Children under five years old are most likely to contract polio. Polio can be contracted by anyone, regardless of age, who has not been vaccinated.

According to New York’s “public health” officials, the first paralytic polio case in a decade is the tip of the iceberg.

It’s easy to see why New York authorities are so concerned about their one case of polio. The 93% national rate for childhood immunization against polio has been over 90% in the past 40 years. This would indicate that the overall rate is around 90%. New York’s immunization rates are much lower than expected.

New Yorkers should contact a healthcare provider immediately if they aren’t sure of their vaccination status or the status of a loved one. Rockland County’s polio vaccination rates are 60.34 percent, while Orange County’s polio vaccination rates are 58.68%. This compares to the state average of 78.96% for children who received three polio vaccines before their second birthday.

We don’t know why certain areas in New York are so poor. I would suggest illegal immigration but that would be too political. The critical mass of liberal wealthy could also be to blame.

Philadelphia Inquirer:

If you are against vaccinations for your child, you might be a college-educated white woman who makes a decent income.

America’s latest culture conflict is being led by the so-called anti-vaxxers. They are middle- and upper-class mothers who shop at Whole Foods, breastfeed their children, and believe their thinking outweighs that of doctors. Their families typically earn more than $75,000 per year.


This is despite overwhelming evidence that vaccinations are safe and essential to a healthy, functioning nation. Research shows that the majority of naysayers are not fully educated.

According to disease experts, the poorest neighborhoods are the ones most likely to give their children vaccines. They are well educated and have excellent access to healthcare. While there are pockets of low-income communities of color that are “under-vaccinated” due to financial or religious reasons, American Journal of Public Health studies show that most parents who opt out for “philosophical” reasons are white and wealthy.

The New York “public Health” gurus are responsible for monitoring the situation. However, a single case or a few poo samples should not be interpreted as a cause of COVID-like panic. A single case is not a sign that “polio” is back, but it is more than any other singleton case since its official eradication.

The low-functioning moron left naturally has a different view.

It is absurd and strange to try to blame people who refused the COVID vaccine for one case of poliomyelitis in New York. It’s also absurd to label people who refuse the COVID vaccine as “anti-vaxxers”. I was a Rapid Deployment Force member and would be willing to share my vaccination history with anyone. Accepting some vaccines on the basis of a personal risk assessment doesn’t mean you have to accept all vaccines just because they are recommended.