NBC Retracts Report Exposing New Details in Pelosi Home Invasion Story


Friday morning’s NBC News report revealed some new details about the Pelosi home invasion. These details raised questions about the nature of what was happening when the police arrived.

Miguel Almaguer, NBC News anchor, reported that when police arrived at the Pelosi home last Friday, Pelosi opened her door and allowed police to enter before turning around towards David DePape.

“After a knock and an announcement, Mr. Pelosi opened the front door. Almaguer reported that the 82-year-old did not immediately call for an emergency and leave his house. Instead, Mr. Pelosi “began walking several steps back into the foyer towards the assailant and away from police.”

Amaguer’s details are consistent with the court documents, but they contradict FBI Special Agent Stephanie Minor’s sworn affidavit. Authorities reportedly state that they won’t release Pelosi’s 911 call or the body-cam footage of the responding officers, which would completely resolve the discrepancies. Why won’t they?

We raised concerns about Pelosi’s inability to call for help or flee his house when police arrived. Almaguer also believed so. Miguel Almaguer, NBC News’s Miguel Almaguer, noted that Pelosi did not attempt to flee or inform responding officers that he was in distress. According to his report, it was unclear if Pelosi had been injured already or if he was currently in a mental state. NBC News aired the segment and tweeted it from the Today Show account. However, the Today Show deleted the tweet and the story on Friday and issued a retraction.

The editor’s note on the site states that the piece “should not have aired” because it didn’t meet NBC News reporting standards.

However, the report is still valuable:

There’s clearly more to this story than meets the eye, and NBC News Orwellian efforts to memory-hole it only increases the suspicion that details are being deliberately hidden in this story. This video shows that this was not a live report, but a prerecorded package with incomplete details. It also included video interviews with the chief of San Francisco’s police department and an FBI analyst discussing why Pelosi may have been calm when police arrived.

Although the report was thorough, it asked key questions about details and took the time to explain. NBC News’ explanation of deleting the report is absurd and it’s hard to understand why they are trying to bury this story.