‘Mr. Reagan’ Strikes Back: Exposes Gavin Newsom’s Lies in Scathing Parody Video


We reported on the recent signing of a strict California law by Governor Gavin Newsom making it illegal to create or publish videos using AI in the election season. It’s not just you who believes this is a violation of First Amendment rights. Elon Musk of X responded quickly.

Kevin Kiley (R-Golden State) was not impressed.

Mr Reagan, a content creator from the United States created a parody of Kamala Harris’ campaign ad. If you haven’t seen it yet, this is well worth watching.

Reagan responded on Monday with a brutal attack against Newsom, Democrats, and corrupt media. Although the video is only a little more than two minutes in length, it has a lasting impact.


The virtual beating that Mr Reagan gives Newsom is a joy to watch. This is what I found.

In Hustler v. Falwell, 485 U.S. 46 (1988), The U.S. Supreme Court unanimously agreed a parody that no reasonable person could expect to be real was protected under free speech. According to the justices, upholding lower court rulings would put all political satire at risk.

Mr. Newsom, what’s the matter? I’m not hearing you.

The video had many funny moments. I particularly liked the part where the fake Newsom said, “If I hadn’t banned Mr Reagan parody AI Videos, how would we have known that?”

  • Trump is a tyrant right from the start
  • If he loses, a bloodbath is promised.
  • Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian propaganda
  • There is no inflation and the border is safe
  • COVID comes from bat soup
  • Trump instructs everyone to inject bleach
  • There is no such thing as gender. Both boys and girls can be the same.
  • Vladimir Putin controls Trump
  • On the January 6th, many police officers were murdered
  • COVID Masks are 100% effective and do not have any side effects.
  • Trump orchestrated two assassination attempts

And the list goes on. The fake Newsom adds, “And how would we know that Trump is Hitler? Reincarnation is a thing. Hitler died in 1945. Trump was born in 1946. Coincidence? I think not.”

Gavin has made many plausible statements. Look at the list above.

It’s no wonder that they want to outlaw it all.

Mr Reagan, you’ve won!