Makeup Giant Ulta Goes Woke Highlighting Trans Girl Dylan Mulvaney, Customer Base of Real Women Revolts


Ulta may regret the idea of a podcast with two men in makeup and wigs discussing being a “girl”. This clearly reflects the target audience of the makeup giant.

Twitter is trending @Womanface and #BoycottUlta. A lot of women have told Ulta they are moving their business elsewhere. Ulta has stopped commenting on this thread.

The headline “Trans Girls Can Do It All!” was offensive to many women. This was a bizarre sexual fetish that had nothing to do with being female, but all to do with male appropriation and pleasure from femaleness. It is not funny for women.

The association with blackface vulgarity and offensiveness is called “woman face”. This is something that no company would want to use in its marketing materials.

Teenage girls were punished after asking men to leave their lockers while they were changing. Makeup companies now want us to purchase their products.

The reign of trans terror may end when more women speak up and demand respect for their personal space, dignity, and sex.

There’s nothing more.

Mandy Stadtmiller made a video that showed the thousands of angry comments that Ulta received before she stopped commenting.

A positive sign is that #Womanface is a trending hashtag. There are thousands of accounts that are critical of this clown show and they aren’t being banned.

Imagine a brand that targets women and highlights men who misogyny, the appropriation or abuse of womanhood.

“Last I checked, makeup and ponytails don’t make someone girl. Adult men can’t be little girls. ”

“One of the things that bother me most about these men is that they want womanhood and oppression but don’t mind marginalizing those women who have issues with it,” wrote CaitieCat.

Women’s Declaration International took this opportunity to get all gender-critical feminism converts by tweeting asking women to sign the Declaration on Women’s Sex-Based Rights.

This is Arte’s favorite response.

Word. It is past time that women unite to resist the misogynistic movement for abolishing all sex-based rights. It is unacceptable for our daughters to be able to complain about males in school locker rooms and bathrooms.