Larry Hogan Hands the Left Ammunition in Delusional Pursuit of Presidency


Delusion and Larry Hogan go hand in hand. Maryland Governor Larry Hogan seems set on 2024. He has decided that hand foddering to the left on a nearly weekly basis is the best way to do that. Hogan made the direct attack on Gov. Ron DeSantis while speaking with Chuck Todd of NBC News. Hogan discovered that Roe v. Wade had been leaked. Hogan decided now was the right time to abandon this and other issues.

His answers were filled with arrogance. This is not because politicians aren’t egotistical, but because he doesn’t have the right to lecture anybody.

CHUCK TODD: I’d like you to read one line back to me here. “The division within our party today isn’t ideological. It is more about the difference between those who know how to win and those pretending they won.” This seems obvious. But explain.

GOV. Four years of the White House and Senate elections have been lost. Trump said that winning would become boring.

While I don’t know Hogan’s whereabouts, I can tell you that the GOP did well in the House in 2020. The GOP has continued its climb since then, winning many special elections and surprising the nation in Virginia 2021.

Remember that Hogan does not mean to win when he speaks about it. Maryland’s judge overruled Hogan’s Democrat gerrymander. This is exactly what happened. The governor was in for a major victory, and he didn’t have to be a coward. Hogan settled with the Democrats and allowed another 7-1 Democrat-to-Republican gerrymander to be created, only slightly consolidating the one Republican district. Then he went out to brag about it like he just scored a grand slam.

Larry Hogan believes this is winning, and it’s very pathetic.

Hogan said that Republicans don’t have the political intelligence to discuss abortion. Hogan doesn’t seem to realize how stupid a politician he is.

Hogan once again attacked Ron DeSantis, claiming it wasn’t his “kind” of conservatism. We know Larry. Your conservatism has delivered Democrats victory after victory. It is not supporting children during COVID-19, and whispering about lower taxes every now and again.

This is the last extract I will share. This really shows Hogan’s fantasyland.

CHUCK TODD – Do you want the right way to win? Are you ready to win in real life?

GOV. We are likely to have an extraordinary year. I don’t intend to misinterpret the outcome. We should not be complacent as we still have to solve the root causes of our loss. Because the Democrats failed so badly, we will win.

Another potential GOP presidential candidate: “I think that they will all be trying to fish for the most part in the same pool… Another lane might prefer to travel in a different direction, I believe. ”

Again, winning is losing for Hogan. He admits that the GOP is likely to clean up in November, but then insists that those victories shouldn’t be misinterpreted as…victories. Best we revert back to whatever the heck he’s doing in Maryland, right? That’ll really ensure the American people are on our side going forward.

As to this idea that he’s going to cruise in 2024 on some mythical moderate lane, he might as well be sniffing glue. There is no constituency for what Hogan is selling in the GOP. This guy needs to be laughed off the stage not in 2024, but in 2023. Hogan’s probable presidential campaign has no reason to even make it to the first primary. He’s that bad, and the Republican Party should have zero use for politicians like him.