Joe Biden Sparks Controversy, Disrespects Grandchild Navy Roberts Once More


Joe Biden spoke on Monday at an event celebrating Women’s History Month at The White House. It was a disaster as usual. Biden disobeyed Handler-in-Chief Jill Biden and went in the opposite direction than she directed him. He seemed to follow an unidentified blonde lady walking away.

Watch this video for those who missed it:

Biden allegedly said that he wanted to make the future brighter for women and girls of all ages, including “my four granddaughters” as well as his “daughters.”

Biden has five grandchildren. Hunter Biden’s child with Arkansas woman Lunden Roberts is his fifth grandchild.

Watch Biden leave her out (or intentionally forget her?) again:

It’s hard to imagine a more insulting way to treat a woman than to leave her out of an event honoring women, where you pledge to fight for a better tomorrow for them.

The RNC Research tweet noted that Biden acknowledged Navy Roberts in the summer of 2023. However, this was only after it became a political liability. Biden is known to be a proud grandfather and family man.

The Biden family, despite Biden’s attempts to gaslight the media about his family’s situation, has repeatedly disrespected Navy Roberts. They have done everything from not including her name on the White House Christmas stockings to not hanging any stockings for the family at all in the White House after the next year.

Joe and Jill Biden also delivered a strategy to their aides regarding Navy Roberts, which was to make sure that they understood to refer to six grandchildren, not seven.

Even Biden’s so-called acknowledgement of Navy Roberts was done most coldly and clinically possible. He did not speak directly to the American people about it. Instead, he issued a brief statement to People magazine on a Friday night.

Hunter Biden’s treatment of her is abhorrent.

As I have said, if a family is proud of their inclusiveness, family support, and other such things, then consistently leaving a grandchild out is not an inclusive thing to be doing, nor does it show a supportive environment.

Hunter Biden once claimed that he could not afford the child support he paid. Hunter Biden has lucrative business interests abroad, including in China. The First Family, who has spoken about the need for Americans to “come together” during holidays and special occasions to benefit the children, can’t be bothered mentioning Navy Roberts.

This picture is both literally and metaphorically wrong.

It is important to note that Google, just like Joe Biden believes he has only four granddaughters.

It’s not surprising that Google has a history of supporting Democrats and censoring Republicans.