Is McCarthy Ready to Throw in the Towel?


The Republican Party can sometimes seem like a car that is stuck in the mud and spinning its wheels, with everyone inside the vehicle arguing over what to do. I am always amazed at how the Democrats can be so united, despite having such bad, bizarre, and sometimes even evil, ideas. The Republicans, who are the party of principles and common sense can’t seem to get out of their own ways. It’s as if their principles are in opposition to each other.

Kevin McCarthy, Speaker of the House reminded me of a kid who brought his baseball to an informal pickup game and didn’t get to participate, so he took it home complaining. McCarthy was upset that his colleagues slowed down the process after passing what’s being called a “stopgap” spending bill. In reality, this is just an excuse for the government to spend money to fill the gap, so they can spend more.

McCarthy seems to have forgotten that he is working for the people. Since the government does not produce money, but spends it like there’s no end, McCarthy’s rants against other Republicans come off as a childish rant.

The bill was passed with a 335-91 vote. Only one Democrat abstained. On the Republican side, 126 Republicans voted in favor, while 90 voted against. McCarthy was furious with those who were not willing to sell everything they had.

McCarthy, in the opening scene, played the martyr and praised those Republicans who had voted for it.

He quoted Winston Churchill: “You can count on Americans doing what’s right after they have exhausted all other options.”

McCarthy continued to regret that he had not listened to the opinions of all the members of his conference prior to the vote on Saturday.

He said, “I tried to listen to everyone in the caucus.” “It was hard, but we made it through.”

Whew! What a relief!

McCarthy complained that some of his own members would not vote for the bill because it “would secure the border and reduce wasteful spending,” but that others in the conference wouldn’t.

“So, if there are members of your conference who won’t allow you to vote on appropriation measures, won’t support an omnibus, and won’t vote to pay our troops… the only solution is to shut down, then I won’t be part of this team,” he said.

Please spare us from the guilt trip over the troops. It’s not about the troops. Despite the Democrats’ victory lap and their sabotage of the vote, it was the Democrats who were trying to force a shutdown. Rep. Jamaal brown (D-NY) even went so far as to set off a fire alarm in the Cannon House Offices, for which he could have been arrested.

McCarthy said, “I would like to be part of a group of conservatives who are willing to do things.”

Really? You seem to be the only person trying to accomplish anything. If you don’t wish to be part of this team, then you should take your gavel home.

The bill finally passed, eliminating more aid to Ukraine that had already crossed the threshold of absurdity, as well as some spending reductions that conservatives wanted.

Matt Gaetz, a Republican from Florida, spoke out against McCarthy’s ignoring conservatives in order to appease Democrats. Gaetz threatened to remove McCarthy if conservative views were not taken into consideration.

McCarthy climbed up onto a soapbox to refute the attacks.

He said, “If someone wants to bring a motion against my name, then please do so.” “There must be an adult present.” “There’s no way a bill can be passed with either party.”

“When are you guys gonna get over that it’s alright that you put America first. That it’s alright if Republicans and Democrats joined together to do what is right,” he added.

He’s absolutely right that there should always be at least 435 adults in the room. He is also right that America and Americans are the top priority.

Maybe he’ll try it at some point.