Illinois Gas Station Owners Sue Over Having to Post Democrat Propaganda


Gas prices are all too high. Gas prices have risen so high that many states have stopped levying gas taxes, and others are looking into it. Then there’s Illinois.

Illinois’ Democratic-dominated legislature is so generous that they aren’t suspending the gas tax but delaying raising it until the end. They are so thoughtful, I know.

The Democrats required that gas stations post signs that were “clearly visible” (four by eight inches or greater) with bold font that read “As of July 1, 20,22, the State of Illinois suspended the inflation adjustment for the motor fuel tax until December 31, 2022.”

The Wall Street Journal reports that Michael Zalewski, Democratic State Representative, stated that the signs would remind Illinoisans (pumping) that the cost of living adjustment was not in effect as a result. He also said that drivers will be reminded that the pumps are there so that their eyes will be fixed on the pump.

Some owners of gas stations have sued to challenge the sign requirement. According to the suit, Illinois forces station owners to choose between making a political declaration to customers or the general public for the State of Illinois or paying fines.

It is bad enough that the state requires station owners to put the signs up. This is made worse by Illinois Democrats who brazenly proclaim that the purpose of the signs are to support the party as tax-cutters.

A red wave is coming in 2022 and almost everyone can see it growing. While the Democrats pretend that they are reducing taxes by delaying, will this help or hurt them? Because the party is so deeply rooted in the state, the GOP will have a difficult time gaining support even in a good year. The Democrats could have given the Republicans a rope to climb with this sign requirement.