How Could the Average IQ in Americans Drop for the First Time in Nearly a Century?


A new study shows that the intelligence quotient of the average American citizen (IQ) is on the decline, for the first time in nearly 100 years. Is it any wonder?

It’s not surprising, it seems. Let’s start with the left’s insidious drive for public school education to be dumbed down, curricula standards to be eliminated, and minimum graduation requirements to be eliminated, all in the name of promoting equity and inclusion.

It was also known as soft bigotry and low expectations.

According to the Washington Free Beacon’s report, the study was published in the Intelligence psychology journal. It examined the period 2006-2018. The study’s authors found that Americans aged 18 to 22 experienced the highest declines in intelligence. This could be explained by poor education. You’re not alone, I’m sorry. Try to manage your shock and amazement.

It’s only a matter of time before you “teach” students (indoctrinate them) that math is racist.

The report states that the findings could indicate either a decrease in education quality across the sample or a shift in cognitive skills’ perceived value.

Why not both?

We must ask ourselves: What’s the difference? Was it that teenagers and young adults became dumber without apparent reasons? Or can we point to the decline in public education and the decreasing educational quality of teachers who believed that mixing personal politics into classroom instruction was acceptable and that waking up was a “moral” requirement?

I have written before about the decline of honors programs in America. One recent example is the Culver City School District in Los Angeles, which eliminated honors curricula in high schools for the sake of racial equality. Parents of honor students who were denied enrollment in accelerated programs faced backlash. One parent commented:

We’re not seeing the light and have decided to throw the baby out with all the bathwater.

The racist parent is clearly hateful.

The then-Oregon Governor, Kate Brown, was elected in August 2021. Kate Brown abolished statewide writing, reading, and math proficiency standards for high-school graduates. Brown’s spokesperson then said this: “SB744 gives us an occasion to review our graduation requirements, and ensure that our assessments can accurately assess all students’ learning.”

Translation: High school graduation is more accessible for students of color if basic requirements are eliminated.

Colleges and universities across the country, from Harvard to Princeton to Columbia University, and of course Berkeley in California have lowered their admission standards and eliminated entrance exam requirements.

In the case of Harvard, three entrance exam minimum requirements exist, with the top requirement for Asians, followed by white applicants, then applicants of color. In addition, Harvard says that biases arising from subjective criteria such as “likability” could be eliminated by emphasizing objective measures over exam scores. That doesn’t even make sense, and it’s utterly insane.

The Age of Woke continues to bring life to Dumb and Dumber across America.