Health Teacher Gives Sexual Fantasy Assignment to High School Students


A health teacher in Eugene, Oregon, sparked outrage after he allegedly asked students to write their own “sexual fantasy” story for a class assignment.

Kirk Miller, a teacher of health and physical education at Churchill High School football coach, challenged his students to create a “sexual fantasyland.” The “sexual fantasy” should be no more than one to two paragraphs long. It must not mention “penetration and oral sex,” but it should include mood-setting accouterments like candles, romantic music, and massage oils.

Sheena and Austin Bean wrote on Facebook “that a coach or teacher feels entitled to students’ sexual fantasies. ”

This assignment is not just for account holders. Katherine Rogers (whose 16-year-old daughter is a Churchill student) said that Miller’s assignment caused some students to feel so upset that they decided to tell their stories through the eyes of a cartoon character.

Nor is the “sexual fantasy” story the only inappropriate assignment that Miller has reportedly given. Rogers alleged that Miller once gave a handout with a list of various sexual activities — from kissing to oral sex — on it. Students were then asked to write the “initials of a male or female” with whom they would like to engage in each activity. Students were permitted to use the same initials more than once.

Principal Missy Cole sent parents a mass email addressing their concerns. She said she would review Eugene School District 4J’s current health curriculum called OWL: Our Whole Lives. OWL was developed by Unitarian Universalist Association members as well as the United Church of Christ five years ago. OWL was implemented by the district to ensure that it is “age-appropriate, fact-based, and comprehensive in human sexuality education.” It aligns with Oregon Department of Education standards. ”

Cole sent an email to inform students that the assignment was removed from the class syllabus. It will not be included in students’ grades.

Peter Rudy, the spokesperson of the Oregon Department of Education, disagreed. OWL was not recommended material for teaching Oregon’s health curriculum.

Rudy stated state standards for health education require that it be “comprehensive, inclusive”, not fear-based or shame-based. It also must increase students’ understanding of the normal and healthy aspects of human development.