Greg Abbott Exposes Harsh Truth of Biden’s Border Crisis in Riveting RNC Speech


Gov. Greg Abbott (R, Texas) was welcomed warmly at the Republican National Convention. The crowd chanted and cheered “Drill baby drill” as he began his speech.

Abbott was not in Milwaukee to discuss oil drilling. He spoke instead about the border crisis. Abbott is probably more knowledgeable about it than any other governor.

Texas and Mexico have 1,254 miles of border shared by both states. There are 28 international border crossings and bridges. Two dams, hand-drawn ferries, and 25 crossings for commercial, vehicular, and pedestrian traffic are included in this number.

Abbott cut straight to the point when he finally started speaking. “As Governor of the Great State of Texas, America’s largest border state I can tell that we need a President who will secure our borders.” America needs Donald J. Trump.”

Abbott contrasted the way Trump “fulfilled his most sacred duty” by securing the border, with the “desertion of his duty” that Biden committed. He said that Biden had “gutted the policies of President Trump and the results have been catastrophic.”

Governor Snyder noted that 11 million illegal immigrants crossed our border during Biden’s tenure, which is more than twice as many as the entire population of Michigan. Abbott said that the stats alone are sobering, but that many of those people represent the types of people who we would never allow into the country.

Abbott said that Biden had welcomed into the country murderers, rapists and terrorists. The price we paid was deadly.

Abbott, after telling the story of the 12-year-old Texas Girl Jocelyn Nungaray who was killed by two illegal immigrants in a hallway and on TV, reminded the viewers of the Biden Administration’s continued stifling of border states.

He said that Biden was fighting tooth and nail to prevent Texas and other Republican States from securing their borders. “I sent thousands of National Guard troops to construct hundreds of miles worth of razor wire fences.”

Abbott added, “When Joe Biden told the National Guard that they should triple the razor-wire on the border when he ordered it to be cut. Biden illegally used 50 acres of Texas borderland to process up to 5, 000 illegal immigrants per day. I ordered the Texas National Guard (TNG) to take our land back and wire it closed. Joe Biden’s administration saw 5,000 people cross the border. “Now that the National Guard has wired this shut, it is on average one illegal immigrant who crosses the border there every day.”

Abbott reminded delegates and the home audience of his role in transporting illegals from Texas to blue states and towns: “When Joe Biden refused to come to Texas to see the border schools that they had created, I brought the border to them.”

Abbott reminded us that Trump’s commitment to border security, arresting criminals and illegal immigrants, and fighting the drug cartels is the most important thing to remember. Abbott’s stirring speech was punctuated with frequent applause. It made the border crisis more real to us all.