FOIAs Reveal Progressive Money Fueling FBI, DOJ, Leftist Activist and Election Official Coordination


Public records requests for coordination between progressive funders and federal authorities, corporations, election officials in the states, and leftist organizations have revealed a strange constellation.

Freedom of Information requests have revealed some strange and opaque relationships among state election officials, federal officials and corporations. They also exposed the involvement of progressive activists and others trying to influence their conduct. These relationships include junkets that include travel and baseball games as well as data exchanges between state officials with outside progressive groups.

The story starts with a series freedom of information requests directed at several states in an attempt to determine if any election officials might be tempted to apply for illegal money from the Mark Zuckerberg-funded Center for Technology and Civic Life. These grants and wild spendings of these funds changed the course of the 2020 elections. (Review The Real Kraken, What Really Happened To Donald Trump in the 2020 Election at PJMedia.

The FOIAs were submitted to me by the Public Interest Legal Foundation and were directed broadly at election officials in the United States.

Although no election official from a state that prohibits private financing of elections has requested new funding, there is something more concerning than this: the public information requests.

We find out that the Democracy Fund, a highly-funded source of progressive money, is organizing state officials and other parties to discuss election administration in one email.

This Democracy Fund effort includes:

Commissioner Ben Hovland, United States Election Assistance Commission

Tina Barton, employee of the United States Election Assistance Commission

Ebony West is a Democracy Fund employee and has been assigned the “Voter-Centric election administration [sic]” task. This focuses on providing local election officials with data, tools, connections, and other resources to ensure that voters’ voices are heard.

John Keller is a United States Department of Justice Public Integrity Section criminal prosecutor who has pursued Republicans like Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Katherine Reisner, a militant progressive working in support of the anti-vote fraud organization States United Democracy Center

Craig Latimer is the Hillsborough Florida Supervisor for Elections. He told us that his office won’t refer any election crimes to county prosecutors.

Kammi Foote is a sometime photographer in the wilderness and an employee of the United States Election Assistance Commission

Andrea Abbate, ZuckBucks Mother Ship and the Center for Technology and Civic Life

Lindsay Capodilupo is the FBI’s “Election Crimes Coordinator”.

Tasmin Swanson was previously a member of the GOTV Baltimore Votes and Peace Corp volunteer, in China. She is now part of the Soros-funded Center for Civic Design. This progressive group is dedicated to infiltrating electoral offices with graphic design “help.”

David Kuennen, Federal Department of Homeland Security Official

Liz Howard is a voter fraud denier from the progressive Brennan Center.

We are not inviting any right-of center or conservative groups.

This fluid consortium, which has been working with fringe ideologic activists and government offices since Trump’s victory in 2016, has created structures that combine powerful funding with government offices to make it seem that there was nothing wrong with American elections. These structures help progressives to reorient election administration in a way that benefits them, such as widespread automatic mail voting.

In 2020, extraordinary efforts were made to claim that mail voting was unproblematic despite all the evidence and despite New Jersey elections being invalidated by mail ballot fraud.

Notice that the invitations were sent both to the FBI and Department of Justice criminal prosecutors.

If there wasn’t voter fraud as the Brennan Center hacks claim then why were the prosecutors invited?

The Democracy Fund is not the only group that is working in synergy to the leftists and government agencies as well as state and local election officials. Our FOIA sweep has uncovered a wealth of documents that show more progressive influence over election administration.

David Becker is the party planner for the bizarre mix of federal prosecutors and progressive activists, election officials, ex-pats from federal swamp, who now work for Corporate America.

Becker, a former California Bear drum major, matches progressive dollars, state, local and federal election officials and federal authorities at United States Election Assistance Commission, who have managed the distribution of hundreds and millions of taxpayer dollars.

Federal dollars travel through the EAC to reach states. The Center for Election Innovation and Research is very concerned about how these funds are used and who gets them.

Becker is a unabashed progressive who can also organize junkets for state election officials.

According to documents obtained from the FOIA of the Public Interest Legal Foundation, one such confab took place in Denver in May 2019.

Nevada, Arizona and Minnesota were represented by state election officials from Arizona, Minnesota, Georgia. Wisconsin. Kentucky. Michigan. Rhode Island. Ohio. Virginia.

They also saw the Arizona Diamondbacks beat 11-10 by the Colorado Rockies. According to emails obtained via public records requests, Becker was the concierge for all the fun.

“May 30 Baseball Game: There are 22 of you! We’ll meet in the lobby at the Hotel Born and walk to the ballpark ….. Please let me know if you are unable to make it before 12:15 and I will arrange for your ticket to be left at my discretion. Although your rooms won’t be available by then, you should still be able to store any luggage.

What happened after the game? Becker did it:

“I am guessing that there will be a group of people going out. If you’re not going to the game but would like to join us, please send me a text and I’ll include you.

Becker’s official state election confab was rescheduled for May 31st.

“7:30 Breakfast. We will meet at 8:00 AM. Please be punctual as we expect to finish by 4pm. . . . Two breaks will also be available, and the food will be delicious as usual.

Emails don’t reveal the details of previous “as-usual” dining experiences. They also don’t reveal who paid for lodging at Hotel Born, which regularly costs more than $450 per night.

However, the emails reveal the agenda for each day.

Some participants in the Colorado confab came from states that were against President Trump’s Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity (on whom I served), and refused to give that commission information about the exact same database details that they shared with David Becker, a progressive organization.

This is only a small taste of the complex relationships that exist between progressive deep pockets and leftist activists, fraud deniers, federal officers with prosecutorial power and state and local election officials.

The effort was initiated after the 2016 election and focused notably on the many bluish swing state that Donald Trump won in 2016, but lost in 2020. It remains to be determined if this was part of the Denver confab or a side benefit from the Democracy Fund plans.