Exposed: Biden’s Hidden Agenda for Mass Amnesty Unveiled


The New York Post reported that while the world was distracted by the 34 felony convictions of former President Donald Trump in New York State for two federal misdemeanors Joe Biden had been “operating a’mass-amnesty’ program for migrants.”

According to The Post, Biden’s stealth amnesty has operated since 2022. Illegals — or so-called asylum seekers — are no longer subject to the legal system.

The move lets them legally and indefinitely roam around the U.S., without fear of being deported, effectively letting them slip through the cracks.

Biden’s amnesty for all 350,000 cases was a mass amnesty that ensured each case had been thoroughly reviewed. Cough, cough.

Oli London quipped: “ICE terminated 350,000 asylum claims for migrants without criminal records, despite their entry into the U.S. illegally.” But how can they get criminal records, if Biden doesn’t prosecute them for being in the country illegally?

Only 4,700 illegals received similar clemency during the Trump administration. Biden increased this number by 75 times in the past two years.

The full article can be found here. But first, I’d like to share with you some of the things the paper did not cover.

Biden seemed to have said “nobody is above the laws” in this nation only last week. Biden, of course, was referring only to Trump’s fake conviction and not the real threat that more than 7 million illegal aliens pose who have snuck across Biden’s unsecure southern border.

One X user commented, “There will be a lot of this in the future.” If Biden wins the election, we can expect to see a massive amnesty like none before. Indeed. If Biden does this in his first term when he is still facing a re-election fight, then whatever restraints the White House may feel in 2024, will disappear like an illegal immigrant into the night by 2025.

He concluded, “This is an attempt to ensure that the Democrats will have permanent power in Washington.”

The New York Times deserves credit for its honesty. Seriously. The newspaper reported on the “reality behind Biden’s plans to legalize 11,000,000 immigrants” earlier this year. They wrote that it was “the boldest immigration program any administration has ever put forth in generations.”

I believe that Biden’s mass amnesty will be just another way he circumvents the authority of Congress over our immigration laws. He has established 350,000 more “facts” on the ground that Washington won’t have the courage or will to act upon.

You should be outraged. The most outrageous thing is something I’ve never heard anyone else say: It doesn’t matter.

This administration never would have investigated any of these cases. If the next president does not have the courage to deport large numbers of people, something Trump mentioned in the past but did nothing about during his first term, then Biden’s amnesty will be little more than a formality.

The Swamp has been working to reshape America’s demographics for years, and now we are fast approaching the point where there is no turning back.

If we haven’t already arrived, that is.