Durham Is Nearly Done and the FBI Has Some Explaining to Do About the Russia Collusion Scam


The trial of Igor Danchenko is back in Virginia’s federal jury. Danchenko is charged with lying to the FBI regarding the fake “Steele Dossier”, a perverse collection of scraps, baseless claims, and rumors that Hillary Clinton’s campaign conspired to connect Donald Trump with the Kremlin. It was clear from the Danchenko trial, and Durham’s earlier trial of Michael Sussman, that Hillary Clinton was the only person who worked with Russians to finance her Russian Collusion propaganda op. One wonders if the Steele Dossier could have been Russian disinformation. The FBI is not the best law enforcement agency in America, and as John Durham, special counsel, pointed out in Danchenko’s trial, it was incredibly inquisitive about the truthfulness of the man they paid $200,000 for to be a confidential source human — to conceal him under the pretense of protecting methods and sources.

Similar to Durham’s unsuccessful prosecution of Hillary Clinton’s lawyer Michael Sussmann and the Democratic National Committee (DNC), the FBI was determined to continue spreading fake news about Donald Trump.

Don’t expect anyone to be sent to prison for the corrosive, explosive Democrat information operation to influence an election using the FBI and CIA. Although Durham’s charges have shown that Danchenko was manipulated by the FBI, technically, the FBI is not on trial. They are actually the aggrieved party, as these charges show.

Durham’s team brought two FBI analysts to the stand, who were part of the original Crossfire Hurricane investigation as well as the Mueller special counsel probe. Brittany Hertzog (an intelligence analyst) and Supervisory Special Agent Amy Anderson (a supervisory special agent) testified that Mueller’s team didn’t seem to want more information about sub-sources of the “dossier.” Hertzog said that she learned that Charles Dolan, a Clinton ally, was a PR executive who met Danchenko in Moscow and worked with Russia. She met Olga Galkina who was a confidant of Putin, and she shared the dossier with her.

Hertzog stated to the Durham team that “It was an essential fact because Mr. Danchenko had been identified as being a source of the Steele dossier, connectivity between Mr. Dolan & Danchenko is important especially considering Mr. Dolan’s connectivity to Dmitry Peskov was important.”

The FBI supervisors with whom she worked had withdrawn the information. She was instructed to “not investigate Mr. Dolan” as well as not to “take any further action” regarding Danchenko’s connections to Hillary Clinton and Kremlin ally Dolan.

It almost seems as if Mueller and the FBI didn’t want the truth to be known, or that they knew enough to believe the story was too politically beneficial to verify.

Danchenko was acquitted of one count due to the legal definition of “talked.” Durham’s team claimed Danchenko lied and that he had spoken to a source, but tried to contact him via email. Durham claims that Danchenko lied about never having spoken to him but claimed he was a sub-source for the dossier. Danchenko claimed that Sergei Millian, the source, had told him of a “well-developed conspiracy of cooperation between Trump campaign officials and Russian officials.” However, the evidence presented at the trial proved that Danchenko never spoke with Millian. Millian was so scared of being called a source, he fled the United States along with his wife and children.

Danchenko is also accused of lying to Special Agent Kevin Helson, his FBI handler. Durham took Helson’s testimony and destroyed him. Durham did a thorough analysis of what investigators are supposed to do. Helson didn’t do any of these things.

Durham, the prosecution’s leader, presented the four instances Danchenko lied about the FBI. He argued that these lies were relevant to the way agents handled the case. Durham stated that jurors may realize that the FBI “mishandled” the investigation, but that “the government cannot defend the FBI’s performance.”