CNN host Rex Chapman (allegedly) was a former drug addict. He is a consistent bad person to be found on the internet. On Thursday night, he launched into a racist Twitter storm against Justice Clarence Thomas.
Chapman, who hosted a show on now-defunct CNN+, is still listed on the liberal network’s website as a “CNN host”. He attacked Thomas with a series of insinuations about his race.
The time Justice Clarence Thomas attended the graduation event of Christendom college students along with Late Justice Antonin Scalia’s son. 2018.
Not another person of color in the picture…
— Rex Chapman🏇🏼 (@RexChapman) July 1, 2022
Such a champion. Lol.
— Rex Chapman🏇🏼 (@RexChapman) July 1, 2022
Clarence Thomas would last 20-30 seconds in an NBA locker room.
— Rex Chapman🏇🏼 (@RexChapman) July 1, 2022
Mitch McConnell has had Clarence Thomas doing his bidding for years now. Mitch has been a senator in Kentucky since I was a high school junior. 16-years old. Im 54 now.
Look up Daniel Cameron. He’s next in Mitch’s world to succeed Clarence Thomas…
— Rex Chapman🏇🏼 (@RexChapman) June 30, 2022
Chapman replied to a user who made a Dave Chappelle-like reference to Thomas, saying that he was a “black and white supremacist”.
According to Chapman, who is white, you have to do drugs and attend NBA games to be truly black. Who knew? This is a concise rebuttal to this notion.
Clarence Thomas was born in a town founded by Freedmen after the Civil War and spoke Gullah as a child. He grew up in the segregated South and went on to become the 2nd black SC justice. Would his black experience would be more “authentic” if he played in the NBA and did drugs?
— Delano Squires (@DelanoSquires) July 1, 2022
It is absurd to suggest that Thomas is not truly black simply because he holds different ideologies about politics. We are talking about a man born during segregation in South Carolina, who was forced to live in extreme poverty but rose to become perhaps the most brilliant Supreme Court justice. Chapman would like you to believe that this story is not about black success. Why? Why is it that black people only accept Chapman’s will? This sounds a lot like racism to me.
This isn’t about Chapman or his clearly racist views. I would like to expand the discussion. He is a bigoted, sexist clown who has no control over his emotions. This is the man who spent $50 million while being arrested for shoplifting. He also was addicted to painkillers. He is an idiot and a showman.
This is about a media complex that continues to elevate objectively horrible people just because they have the right political views and are willing to do outrageous things to spread “the message.” The liberal network did not stop to vet him or think about whether they were airing a crook. He declared that the orange man was bad and that was enough.
However, this shouldn’t be sufficient. News organizations need to be held to some standard. Chapman’s original hiring was laughable long before he began to show his racism. This wasn’t Chapman’s first encounter with racism. CNN is not the only one that does this. Chapman was the anchor of its March Madness coverages by NCAA this year. The NCAA even published a press release praising the feat.
Chapman is, in short, a terrible person. But those who enable him to be so are worse.